Spilling secrets

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I woke up alone in bed and got up slowly. I was so hungry I felt like I could pass out at any given moment. I opened the bedroom door after washing my face in the bathroom and walked down the stairs. I suddenly stopped when I heard Tom and Vanessa.

– Good morning. – she told him.

– Hi. – he said. I rested my back against the wall that divided the stairs and the kitchen so they wouldn't see me.

– What are you doing? – she asked.

– Breakfast for Avery. She barely ate anything yesterday. – I smiled slightly to myself.

– That looks delicious. She's very lucky, you know?

– Why is that so?

– Because she has you. – I frowned. What was she trying to say exactly?

– What about it? – Tom asked, confused.

– You're just perfect. I wish I had someone who took care of me like this. – I widened my eyes. Was she pulling a move on him? Fuck no.

– Right. – he sounded uncomfortable.

– Does she know that I had you from the start? – she asked suddenly.

– What are you talking about?

– Oh, don't pretend you don't remember those sweet nights we spent together. – she provoked. My heart skipped a beat. What did she just say?

– I do remember. And I do recall you telling me everything had just been a huge mistake the last time we did it. – Tom said.

– I actually liked you, you know?

– You were in love with Bill.

– So what? Bill didn't want me anyway. And you did. – she said. Oh God.

I realized he had lied to me. I walked up the stairs back to the bedroom and shut the door loudly. I walked into the bathroom and sat down on the floor, resting my back and my head against the cold wall, trying to control my thoughts and my breathing.

– Avery? – I heard Tom's voice.

I saw Tom walking inside the bathroom and running towards me immediately.

– What happened?! – he held my face in his hands.

My chest was in so much pain I could barely inhale. He let go of me and grabbed the box of my anxiety pills that was inside the cabinet.

– You said... – I took a deep breath before continuing. – ... it was just a kiss.

– What? – he frowned, confused. – You need to eat something before you faint. – he grabbed me and picked me up before walking towards the bed and sitting me down.

I glanced at the tray of food on my bedside table. He sat down on the edge of the bed, near me.

– Here. – he tried to hand me a pill. I pushed his hand away and shook my head from side to side. – Stop it, Avery. You need to take this. – he insisted.

– Just leave me alone. – I pushed him away from me. He gave me a furious look as he nearly fell off the bed. Then he got up and moved closer to me.

– Avery just take this. – he tried to put the pill near my mouth but before I could push him away he grabbed my arm instinctively preventing me from pushing him again. I turned my face away, shutting my eyes and curling up completely as his grip made me flashback to several of James' actions.

– Please don't. – I begged him. I felt as he let go of my arm immediately and stepped back.

– I'm so sorry. – he said as fast as he could. I realized it was Tom once I heard his voice.

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