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Brennan pov: "come on pick, pick up, pick up" AAnd and I shouted at my screen. I was really bored so I decided to call my best friend Caleb to see if he wanted to hang out. We have been best friends ever since his family moved up here I have no idea what I would do without him. He finally picked up the phone as I screamed at him "WANNA HANG OUT TODAY" OF COURSE he screamed back. "I'll be over in 10" I said jumping on my bike and hanging up. I got to his house and knocked on the door. Caleb's little sister Annie opened it she told me Caleb was downstairs to I ran down to see him. We played video games for hours on end mom can katie come over and spend the night I hear a voice come from upstairs. Katie is my little sister and Annie's best friend. Caleb sprints up the stairs BRENNAN TOO he screams of course mrs. Katie smiles. Katie gets here and we all decide to go and swim on the doc. I borrow a swimsuit from Caleb and katie borrows one from Annie. Me and Caleb made it it to the doc first and jumped in. Annie and katie then came out and for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off Annie the way she smiled how her hair glistened in the sun how her eyes sparkle she was beautiful. How am I just seeing this now I thought to myself. All these years of knowing Annie and just seeing her as my little sisters best friend but she is so much more than that. Stop staring at my sister bro Caleb said as he whacked me in the head. "Oh um sorry it's just I never realized how beautiful she was" go for it man Caleb encouraged me. "No I can't not now, I'm not ready, what if she doesn't like me like that. The best relationships are the ones you never see coming plus I may know some things Caleb giggled at me. I'll do it later the right way I smiled. Later that night I went up to Annie " hey can I talk to you for a second" of course what's going on brennan. "Well I know this is super out of the blue but... but I really like you." She was quiet at first she didn't say anything just stared into my eyes. Do you know how many years I have been waiting for you to say those words to me Brennan Donnelly she said smashing her lips into mine. I wanted time to freeze I never wanted to leave this moment. Annie was all I needed to be happy and right now was perfect. That night we all slept in the basement. Annie laid on my chest as she fell asleep my world was now complete. It was perfect. She is perfect.

A/n: hi guys! Back with another brannie book as requested this one should be different and I'm excited! If you haven't read my first book you should go do that. It's called forever and always thx so much for reading❤❤❤

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