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Brennan pov: "Annie Annie come on ans" I said shaking her repeatedly I quickly jumped off the bed and ran to get my phone that was charging. I called 911 and they said that an ambulance was on the way. I then called Caleb

B-brennan        c-Caleb 

C-hey brennan what's up bro
B- you need to come home right now
C-what why
B- it's Annie
C-can't you take care of it
B- Caleb leaving your fucking baseball camp, it's bad you need to come home
C- woah what do you mean bad what happened
B-I got to go the ambulance is here meet as at Annapolis memorial hospital.

I hung up with Caleb and picked up Annie and carried her downstairs. Hayley was in her room so I yelled at her to come downstairs. I put Annie on the stretcher and mrs. Katie got in with her. "I'll take Hayley, I'll meet you there" I told mrs katie with tears running down my face. She loves you brennan mrs katie smiled and the ambulance doors closed. I ran back inside. "Hayley let's go" my voice visibly shakey. "Hayley" I yelled again running up to her room. I open the door and see her balling on her bed, "oh Hayley shhh it's going to be okay I promise but we need to go" I said with my eyes full of tears. How do you know! She shot back at me w-what even happened she said quietly. "She wasn't feeling very well, shakey, sore, light headed, she just passed out. We are just being careful it could just be dehydration but we really need to go Hayley" I gently said rubbing her hair from her face and the tears from her eyes. Hayley didn't move so I picked her up, she is big for this now but I really didn't care I just needed to go and get Annie. I got Hayley in the car and buckled her in she went back in her little ball and cried. I then started driving to the hospital. A call came in from katie on the car speaker so I answered it. Katie (sister) was hysterically crying so I took it off speaker so Hayley didn't have to hear.

B-brennan     K-katie

B- woah woah Kate slow down I can't understand you
K- Annie, Caleb told me something is wrong with Annie, brennan what's going on
B- oh kate I'm so sorry I should of called, it's been kind of a whirlwind. I'm on my way now. I don't have a lot of information right now, but it didn't look too good I said putting my free hand on Hayley's leg. Just meet us there okay?
B- love you katie
K-love you too bren

As I got off the phone with katie we pulled up the hospital. I wanted so bad to just run inside but I knew I had to take care of Hayley. I picked her up and carried her inside. I handed her to billy as mrs katie wasn't around. I went up to the nurses station and asked what room she was in.

Nurse- unless you are some sort of help to them trying to figure out the problem you are going to have to stay in the waiting room.

B- "I am help, I have been with her all day, she told me what she felt like, and she is unconscious so you are not going to get much out of her are you." I snapped at the nurse

Nurse: sorry sir she's in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) room 7.

I ran down the hall way until I got to the right wing and I ran inside. Oh thank god your here brennan mrs katie said coming up to me a giving me a big hug. "What's going on? Where Annie?" I asked as she was not in the room. She's having a cat scan but she is really sick brennan. It doesn't look good. They think it's...cancer "No it can't be it's not right not Annie" I said as I slid down the wall until my head was in my hands which were on my knees. Hot tears poured out of my eyes. "I-I love her" I whispered to myself. My phone then started going crazy.

K-katie b-brennan

K-where r u
K-how is Annie
K-what's going on
(Missed call)
K-brennan answer me
K-what's going on
K-is everything ok?
(Missed call)
K- bren I'm here and I really need you please answer
B- kate I'm in the room. I'm coming out to see you stay put.
K- hurry pls

I slowly stood up and went out to the waiting room. Hayley ran up to me her checks wet from crying. I picked her up and held her tight. Katie then came up to me. Bren...she said with tears running down her checks. I set Hayley down and pulled katie in tight. Brennan what's going on...what happened? Katie asked me. I started crying again. "Hayley can you go talk to your dad really quick I have to talk to katie." She nodded and walked away. Is it really that bad katie asked. Tears flowing out of her eyes. "I just didn't want to cry a lot when I told her I don't want to scare her like that, I figure it will be easier if I tell you first. Kate, it's not good, Annie is rea-really sick. I um I don't know if she...sh" I broke down in tears "I don't get it why Annie..." katie bent down to my level as I had fallen to the floor. Brennan I know it's scary but for my own sanity I really need to know what's going on " katie they think Annie has cancer" when those words slipped out of my mouth I fell back into tears and katie ran out of the room. Suddenly I felt an arm on my shoulder rubbing it. Brennan... the voice started. "Caleb?" Hey, I'm here can you tell me what's going on please. "Um ya I might as well let everyone know...can you grab your sister and your dad. I don't want to have to do this more than twice." Sure man, your really scaring me though. Caleb replied. He brought everyone over. I stood up and Hayley ran back into my arms. I picked her up "ok so I really need you guys to try and not freak out I know I had a freak out but for Annie I think it's super important." Hayley rested her head on my shoulder and I rubbed her back. "Annie is really sick, they are running tests and she is in an MRI right now but they think Annie has cancer...if that is true things are going to get crazy and scarier from here and it's really important that she knows that we are being brave for her." Brennan Donnelly a nurse called out. "I'll be back" I said to Caleb and Hayley and billy. I set Hayley on the ground and I could her here sobbing and Caleb trying to comfort her. I go up to the nurse. Annie is asking for you. I ran to her room. When I get there her bed is back but mrs katie is gone. I slowly walk in the room. Bren? I hear a weak Annie ask. "I'm right here Ans" I saw grabbing her hand. A tear rolled down my cheek. What's wrong babe she asked me. "I just love you a whole lot" Annie smiled then asked, Bren what happened I don't remember anything after my mom coming home. " you passed out, I called an ambulance and your mom rode here with you, I took the car with Hayley and came but when I got here you were already having tests done." Then Annie asked the question I was filling trying to avoid. Why did I pass out, am I sick? "Um let's just wait for the doctor to come talk to us ok ans..." Bren you know something please just tell me "Annie you should really just wait I don't know anything for sure." Bren I don't feel very good. Suddenly Annie threw up all over the place, it was a mix of puke and blood. I calmly cleaned Annie up and then went and told a nurse. Bren you seemed so calm when that happened I just threw up blood. What is going on. I sat down on Annie's bed and held her hand. "Annie your sick, I don't know a lot right now but the doctors suspect cancer. I'm so so sorry ans"

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