t h i r t y

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Brennan pov: I ran down the hallway calling after katie and found her and Hayley in the cafeteria getting a snack well kinda katie was just picking at her food with her fork scraping the top away. "Hey guys" hey brennan! Hayley said smiling my way "hay go spend some time with Annie she misses you" Hayley's eyes lit up I knew she missed her sister. She happily jumped out of her seat and ran towards Annie. Spit it out brennan Annie would never send you down here to switch with Hayley as much as she loves her sister she would way rather be with you katie said the second Hayley was out of ear range. "I need to talk to you about what you saw that night Kate. You were right I did need help. That night while you are pounding on my door I came up with a plan to kill myself I even packed a bag with supplies I would need so I could grab it the second I knew Annie was gone." Bren..."let me finish, I was in such a bad state that night and I want you to know that you saved my life by calling Annie. You did everything right by figuring out another way to get to me when I wouldn't talk and I want to thank you for that. I'm getting help katie and I'm getting better. But I also need your help..." of course anything for you bren. She now had tears rolling down her face. "I need you to tell Mom and Dad that I am on anti-depressants you can tell them you found them in my bag or I told you not to tell them I don't care how you do it I just can't. Not without breaking down and I can't risk that because they will pull me away from Annie and I can't do that to her." Brennan this is..."risky, stupid, dumb...I don't care katie I just want what's best for Annie" I'll do it she said putting her hand on top of mine. "Thanks Kate" I said standing up.  Not so fast, she pulled me back down into my chair. Are you okay brennan...really "no but I'm working on it and that is the best possible answer I can give you right now. Sorry Kate I love you" I stood up from the table and walked back to Annie's room.

A/N Sorry it's short but I would rlly appreciate some feedback from those people still reading or should I just stop. It's not fun to write if I am not getting food feedback back from you guys idk anymore....

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