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Brennan pov: I was on my phone when about an hour later someone walked in. It was katie hey Bren she whispered. Oh Annie she said covering her mouth and started to cry. I got up from next to Annie and hugged katie. "Let's go talk in the hallway Kate" I walked her out into the hall and she broke down. She just looks so sick that's my best friend. "Katie I know but she is having a hard time dealing with all of this right now she tried backing out of chemo earlier and I had to convince her that it was worth living. It's scary katie trust me. I'm scared out of my mind. " as I say that tears start rolling down my cheeks "I'm sorry I just really don't want to lose her." Bren you need to go home shower back a bag. Just take an hour or two you have been here the whole time. I'll stay she won't even notice that your gone. Please. "No katie I'm not leaving" brennan you need this for yourself please. "Ok but I'm coming back in an hour. No more. " fine. I grabbed my car keys and hopped in my car. As soon as I was in there alone I started balling. I can't lose Annie. I don't know what I would do with myself.  I finally got home and got in the shower grabbed a bag of clothes for me and a couple of sweatshirts of mine for Annie to wear.
Annie pov: when i woke up brennan wasn't there "Bren?" I asked. Annie he went to go shower and grab some clothes he'll be back soon. "Katie?" Ya Annie its me I'm right here. All the sudden I started crying. Annie what's wrong are you in pain katie asked "no I just missed my best friend a lot." I missed you so much Ans you have no idea. "How's gym?" Not the same without you. Coach mary has been acting really strange I think she misses you. Coach Kim came back from Utah to visit when she heard the news. I think she texted you. " oh um I haven't been on my phone at all, she did text me she wants to come visit" she doesn't have to Annie it's up to you. "Ya I might give it a little bit. I just need some family time I think. Katie you know your my family right" awe Annie your my family too I love you so much. Just then a nurse came in. She came up to katie and was wearing a gown and a mask and gloves. Visitors now have to be wearing this Annie's immune system is about to become very week and we can't take any chances with illnesses coming in. She handed katie this

**without the hair net**

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**without the hair net**

"Seriously, I feel like an exhibit" sorry Annie it's for your safety the nurse said walking out. Annie I'm sorry this is no fun "it's ok im sick I get it" ya but your bad ass so fuck cancer " I love you katie " i love you enough to wear this hideous outfit. "You wanna see mine it has this really cool feature where my entire but sticks out" I said joking around. Haha save that outfit for brennan katie said winking " KATIE!!!" just kidding "you better be" kidding about what brennan said walking into the room "nothing" we both said. Get out of here brennan you have to be wearing this super cute outfit before you come in katie said modeling her outfit. Seriously brennan argued "sadly" I said how do I kiss you with this mask thing on. You can't said the doctor walking in behind brennan. Annie is sick you can't run the risk of making her worse. Especially with the chemo her body is going to be burnt out and tired and Annie you aren't going to feel good. We can't get you sick it's just not worth it. Sorry you two. "Speaking of not feeling good..." brennan handed me the container and I threw up again. I can get the nurse to push some anti nausea drugs. Are you in pain "a little my muscles hurt a lot feels like I just had a 20 hour day at gym" I push morphine too the doctor said walking out of the room. I should go Annie katie said giving me a hug and heading out the door. Then the nurse came in again. Annie I'm going to check your vitals and add morphine and anti nausea drugs to your drip. Brennan you have someone asking for you at the front desk. "Who is it Bren" it's syd I responded. I let her know everything while you were in surgery this morning. She brought some clothes and your blanket. Do you want her to come back or should I just go get the stuff. "I don't feel very good but I guess just saying hi won't hurt." Annie just lie down and rest I'll see if she is up for coming back she seemed pretty stressed about the whole thing this morning. With that brennan left

Brennan pov: I left and saw sydney at the front desk. She was pacing back and forth "woah syd you okay?" No brennan I'm stressed. My best friend has cancer i don't know what to do. Can I see her? "I can bring you back but she doesn't feel very good so make it quick okay?" Ok syd said quietly. She handed me Annie's stuff and I walked her back "ans syds here. She fell asleep sorry syd. They just put her on morphine and it probably knocked her out maybe try tomorrow?" Oh ya ok by brennan. I fell asleep with Annie in my arms.

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