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Annie pov: the monitor next to brennan sped up a nurse came in and gently pulled me away from him and sat me in the chair next to his bed. Tell me about brennan "excuse me?" I asked confused tell me what he is like his hobbies his personality the things you guys do together the nurse responded "I hate to be rude but I don't understand why I have to do this" it's to help brennan the nurse said starting to get aggravated with me. "I am really not in the head space to do this right now I'm sorry" the nurse looked at me again and replied that's fine he is going into surgery soon tho and this information could be very helpful afterwards I just thought now would be a better time then while is under. I get it though. "Wait what, surgery, why, what's going on, why didn't anyone tell me" I'm sorry mam but you are going to have to talk to Mrs. Donnelly about that I can't give out that kind of information. I curled into a little ball and called Mrs. Jill the second she picked up I started balling.

Mj: Annie honey what's going on I just went to get food for katie and I. Did something happen?
A: s-s-surgery....
Mj: Annie it's not a huge deal he is going to okay. His brain is swelling so they just have to go in and relive some of the pressure
mj: Annie you need to calm down you are just stressing yourself out it's not good for you.
A: your right I don't feel very good I'm sorry
Mj: it's ok sweetheart it's not your fault just climb into bed with Bren I'm sending katie up right now.
A: ok thank you

I laid down next to Brennan and snuggled into his chest the humming of the ventilator soothed me. I felt so nauseous and dizzy and I was in incredible pain. I was crying to myself and wishing more than anything that brennan could dry my tears and play with my hair. He always knew how to make me feel better. Just then the door slowly opened I thought it was katie so I kept my head where is was with the tears still streaming down my cheeks then I heard a voice that I haven't heard in a very long time. Hey sweet girl she said putting her hand on the back of my head. I slowly picked up my head from brennan's chest and rolled to the other side I smiled when I saw who it was but didn't have the strength to say anything. I closed my eyes and she continued to rub my head. I woke up hours later and saw my whole family in the room. I was now back in my bed which meant brennan was in surgery. I slowly leaned up and Caleb read my mind and ran over to me with a barf bucket. "Thanks bub" I said laying back down. How ya feeling paige asked "im okay" I answered knowing I was lying. Honestly she asked again "I -I feel like I'm dying" I answered truthfully this time. Hey! We don't say that word! Hayley said stepping out in front of daddy. I slightly laughed at her but a tear followed streaming its way down my face. What's wrong ans my mom asked calmly "it's just, I'm worried" I answered truthfully. About what my dad added on "brennan". He is going to be okay Annie you know that Caleb chimed in " I guess I just wish he knew that I loved him and I wish I could hold his hand and comfort him like he did for me. " Annie...paige started that's when katie walked into the room actually more like ran. I'm sorry to break up this little reunion but I really need you Annie. "W-what is going on" I said starting to cry. Brennan. He's awake. All he remembers is you...

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