t w e n t y t h r e e

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Brennan pov: "haha ans wake uppp you need to see this" (doesn't wake up) "ok fine you are doing this the hard way." I leaned down and connected our lips together she slowly connected her lips to mine and opened her eyes. Well that's a good way to wake up she says laughing. I plop down on the couch next to  her and pull out my phone. "Look I got a DM, apparently there is something called Pediatric MATCH and it has saved thousands of lives, annie this could really work!" She nodded her head as a tear slipped down her check. I wiped it with my thumb and kissed her her cheek.        " you got this ans I know you do" she snuggled closer to my chest and once again fell asleep. I kissed her head and texted her family

B: meeting in living room but Hay be quiet coming down the stairs Annie's asleep in her room

MK: alright? Everything ok?

H$: coming

Mb: ok?

C: ugggg that's far

MK: bub upstairs please

Mrs Katie pov: "what's going on brennan?"
I think we found an option I mean it's not perfect but it is an option it it's a chance maybe it can help maybe I won't lose her maybe it maybe I don't know I just saw a glimpse of hope and I really think it's worth trying. Brennan's words flew out of his mouth to the point he was almost hyperventilating "woah woah brennan slow down explain what's happening, is it a new treatment..." um not exactly he started, it's a clinical trial they um have done it with her type of cancer numerous times and have seen really good outcomes it super specific to her genes and the specific tumors so it doesn't hurt the rest of her body like the other treatment I mean of course it's all up to you but I, I just want to help. "Brennan breathe, I think it's a great idea I'll make the call go grab Annie, don't wake her though we will take her to the hospital oh and Brennan" ya he responded "thank you, for everything" brennan smiled and walked up the stairs to grab Annie

Annie pov: the doctor came in hooked me up to an IV and started prepping me for my biopsy. Brennan climbed into bed next to me and held me tight. This is going to work I just know it he smiled kissing my forehead. I nodded placing my head back on his chest. Ready to go Julianna the doctor said walking into my room. Brennan got out of bed with me leaving me feeling cold. He grabbed my hand and my whole body began to feel warm again. After a minute I was forced to let go of Brennan hand and I was wheeled down the hall.


Brennan pov: "hey I missed you.." I said pushing her hair behind her ear and kissing her on the forehead it's been two hours bren she mumbled under her breath "doesn't mean I didn't miss your beautiful face" I said kissing her on the lips this time. I had only been connected to her for around two seconds when she pulled away quickly grabbing my hand and squeezing it "ans are you in pain?" She slowly nodded her head up and down and I kicked Hayley's chair. "Go get a nurse hay" she sprinted out of the room and brought back a nurse with her. Annie had tears streaming down her face while I held her tight in my arms stroking her hair. Annie I'm upping your pain meds the nurse said pressing buttons on the machines next to her. Alright you are free to go whenever Julianna we will call you in about a day to tell you the next step.

Annie pov: brennan helped me change into my own clothes avoiding my wrapper up leg from the biopsy and carefully placed me in a wheelchair. He rolled me out of the hospital and transferred me into the car. Wanna stop at the gym on the way home banannie my mom asked I grabbed onto Brennan and laced our hands "um sure" I said quietly putting my head on Brennan's shoulder and closing my eyes. He rubbed my back and I fell asleep.

Brennan pov: "babe wake up we're here" she squeezed my hand a lot tighter then she normally does "um mrs Katie can I have the pain pills" she nodded and handed me the bottle. "I got you Ans just give me a second" I held the pill out and she swallowed it carefully. "You okay?" She nodded her head and smiled toward me. "Let's go see your friends" I kissed her on the cheek and helped her into the wheelchair she was just using for stability as I mean she did just have multiple tender areas from her biopsies especially on her leg. Her mom wheeled her up the ramp while I stood next to her hand in hand. The door swung open and I held it open for Annie to go through we sat in the viewing room until there was a break in practice. While we were waiting on a break Katie made eye contact with me and I can tell she was scared as she started crying and ran over to coach Mary. "I'll be back!" I said to Annie and running into the gym towards Katie. She ran towards me and I swallowed her in a hug. "Kate shhh it's ok it's ok" it can't be good brennan why are you here with mrs Katie and Hayley and mr billy it can't be good she continued crying into me. I chucked as I listened to Katie "Kate listen if something like that were to happen this is in no way how I would tell you. Look in the window of that room. Look at Hayley, can you see her whole body?" Katie shook her head no and I continued "if someone was sitting down could you see them?" She once again shook her head no now taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down "Kate Annie's in there with them we just came to say hi to people we just got home from the hospital" Katie nodded her head and hugged me tight. I pulled her head from my chest and wiped her tears "we are trying we really are Kate we are doing everything possible I promise" I wiped the tears that have now started coming from my eyes and bring Katie back into the hug. Coach Mary then came over to talk to me. Um I don't want to interrupt or anything but whatever is going on over here is really freaking out the girls is Annie okay? "Um ya ya she's ok" I said drying my eyes. "We just came to say hi Annie's in the other room let's not overwhelm her though maybe only a couple of people at a time" coach Mary smiled and thanked me and walked over the the other girls. Many of them were holding each other crying. I feel bad we scared them like that I didn't mean to. I grabbed Katie under my arm and guided her with me over to Annie and the rest of the family we all talked and Annie's gym friends came in and out exchanging I love you's and get well soon greetings. After multiple rounds of words from her teammates the coaches came in

Cm: we really miss you Ans I can't wait for you to be back training

Ck: but take all the time you need all that really matters is that you are okay. We love you very much

A: um thanks guys but about that...

Annie pov: before I could finish what I was saying my moms phone rang and she shushed everyone in the room. It's your doctor Annie. "Um hay can you go grab brennan from the other room please" I said physically shaky she sprinted and brennan ran back faster then I have ever seen him run before he went to my side and grabbed my hand the next couple minutes were filled with a bunch of I understands, thank you's, and uh huh's. My mom hung up the phone with me. "Sooo Mom what did they say" um you got in ans but I think we should talk more at home. I knew what that meant she didn't like something about it and was scared. Brennan also knew and grabbed my hand as we said goodbye and headed home

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