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Brennan pov: katie's phone went off while I was sitting in the room next to her. "Who is it now" I asked assuming it was one of their gym friends asking for an update for the 300th time. It's coach mary and coach Kim they want to come by if they can. They said even if Annie is still in surgery they want to be here for us too. What do I say she asks. I look at mrs katie and she nods tell them to come no one else. I then text sydney

B-come to the hospital, you should be here

S- is she okay, I'm at practice right now.

B- come after practice she is still in surgery. It doesn't look great tho could be paralyzed.

S- brennan! You shouldn't of told me that I'm not going to be able to practice now. I'm on my way.

Sydney pov: I went up to my coach tears had already formed in my eyes and were making there way down my face. "I have to go it's an emergency I'm sorry." Sydney you know are gym policy you have to tell us the reason why you are leaving or have a parent call in. the gym suddenly got really quite anyone would be able to hear our conversation even Liv. "Can we go somewhere more private to talk then" girls 10 rope climbs 20 laps. Go. The coaches then followed me outside. I broke down "my best friend got diagnosed with cancer a couple weeks ago she was in surgery today and I just got a text from her boyfriend saying I needed to go to the hospital now that it was important and wasn't looking good. She's my best friend I need to leave." At this point I was balling. We are really sorry syd of course you can go grab your stuff. You can take as much time as you need off. "Thank you " I was still crying but I went back into the gym to get my stuff. why are you crying does Caleb not like you back or something Liv teased me. "Just leave me alone" fine then tell me why you don't care about
Gym and your leaving. " Liv this problem is bigger than you so please just go" fine but I'm not done with you. Liv walked away and I sprinted to my car and called Caleb.

C- syd?

S-can you come with me to the hospital

C- of course I was going to go anyway. Pick me up?

S- on my way

I picked up Caleb and told him the whole story about Liv thanks for not telling her though. That would of started so much drama. "Why would I ever tell her" i said slightly laughing. We pulled into the hospital and both became silent. I heard my name and turned around to see couch Mary and couch Kim behind us in the parking garage. I burst into tears and ran towards them. Mary held me tight and stroked my hair. Syd honey it's going to be ok Annie's strong. " I don't think you guys heard...it's not good right now...she might be paralyzed...or might not even make it out of surgery. "I cried louder. Caleb came over to me and hugged me tight and rubbed my back. We have to be strong her her ok syd? "Okay" I nodded. We went inside and I saw brennan waiting for us. He looked awful, like he hadn't slept or eaten in days. I gave him a huge hug "how are you holding up?" I'm not...he said sadly and then walked us back towards Annie's room. "How long has she been in surgery for?" I asked around 7 hours brennan answered. I then took a seat next to katie and Caleb joined me on the floor. Soon after a doctor comes in. Can I talk to brennan please.

Brennan pov: I immediately jumped up and he brought me in the hallway. She's alive and out of surgery we got all the tumor but we aren't sure if she is paralyzed yet. She had to wake up first but chances are she is going to be really anxious as she was on anesthesia for over 8 hours. She is probably going to throw up and we figured that she would want you there. We usually only ask parents but she seems to listen to you way more. I laugh nodding my head and follow the doctor back to the recovery area. They pull up a seat for me next to Annie's bed and I hold her hand she looks so peaceful but she also looks so sick. I soon realize I am not wearing any of my protective gear so I go get some from the nurse and sit back down with Annie. I get a ton of texts from Annie's parents and katie and sydney and Caleb. I answer everyone win the same response "she's ok" I then text mrs katie and mr billy. She is still asleep, they figured she would be nauseous and anxious and scared when she woke up and figured she would want me there. She is alive and breathing on her own. I believe she has a feeding tube as she has not been eating and oxygen. The doctors said she would be in a lot of pain so a ton a visitors right out of the gate it probably not a good idea maybe just immediate family at first and then swap out with friends and coaches with one person always in there so she can tell then if she gets too overwhelmed. I'll text you when she wakes up. When I sent the text Annie's finger twitches slightly. "Ans, you awake?" Bren? "Ya Annie I'm right here" brennan I don't feel good. I grabbed the container next to me and she threw up in it. She suddenly squeezed my hand really hard and squeezed her eyes shut. "Annie are you ok? Annie" she didn't say anything but squeezed my hand tighter " if your nauseous squeeze my hand once no okay if you are in pain squeeze my hand twice." I got two very tight squeezes. "Ok Annie I'm going to find you a nurse we are going to get you some medicine ok? she nodded her head and let my hand go. I ran down the hall way to the nurse station right in front of Annie's room. The door was open so everyone saw me run get a nurse and run with them back to Annie. When I get back she was crying and screaming. "Ans I'm back we are going to help your pain ok?" She opened her eyes and turned her head towards me. It hurts really bad bren I can't take it anymore "Annie they are helping you right now, you are going to be okay i promise. They got the tumor out you are going to be ok ans." I said smiling at her. I'm going to be okay she repeated back. "And you have visitors ans. Coach Kim flew back from Utah to see you and coach mary is here. So is sydney and katie." Brennan why hasn't syd come to visit before? "She has ans you didn't feel very good and you fell asleep. She's been here I promise. I am sure she will be very happy to see you. " Annie smiled and fell asleep. I'm sure the pain medication kicked in. A few minutes later Annie woke up and by the look in her eyes I could tell she didn't feel good. I gave her the container and she threw up in it. " I'm so sorry you feel like this Ans " she softly smiled and laid her head back down. About an hour later Annie was still asleep and the nurse came and took us back to her room. She still hasn't woken up yet??? Everyone kept asking me "she has she is just tired. It's a lot for her emotionally. Everyone agreed and left to give her space. "Syd wait" I called out. "You haven't seen her ok and you deserve to. I'm going to wake her up but don't expect it to last long." Sydney smiled and made her way over to me and Annie "hey ans good morning" I said kissing her check "look who's here it's syd" hey syd, I love you guys your so cute. Annie said as her head hit the pillow "wow she is drugged. She was in a lot of pain earlier." It's ok brennan thanks for trying. " I'll text you when she is awake and feeling better, can you do me a favor and grab coach Kim and coach mary. Thx" ya no problem syd said walking out of the room. Minutes later mary and Kim came walking in. "Hey guys she is super drugged and loopy right now but you drove all the way out here and deserve to see her kind of alive. "I walked over to Annie. "Only one more time ans I swear." I said rubbing her cheek to wake her up. "Come on coach mary and Kim came all the way out here to say hi." Annie opened her eyes. Hey Annabelle coach Kim said. I'm sorry Annie replied. Why are you sorry Annie. I missed practices and I'm weak now. I haven't been conditioning. Coach mary and coach Kim laughed. I think we can excuse this one. "Annie almost forgot" yes babe? "Can you feel your feet?" What feet she asked giggling "annie i need you to answer honestly can you feel when i put my hand on your legs" I can't tell you unless you do she said laughing. I looked down at my hand rubbing her legs and back up at her gymnastics coaches. They were crying. I took them out in the hallway. "She is really drugged she could either not be telling the truth, her legs could still be asleep as she was on anesthesia for a really long time, or...she could be paralyzed. Let's not say anything until we talk to the doctor. Our little secret ok...I'll text you guys when I find out more" they left and I went back and sat with Annie. " I love you ans not matter what you know that right" I love you too brennan

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