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Brennan pov: just then a nurse came in. Annie I'm really sorry about this but we are going to need to do a spinal tap and it's not going to feel good. Do you want brennan to stay. Annie nodded her head and squeezed my hand tighter. Then the doctor came in and explained everything. It looks like she has stage 3 mixed lineage leukemia it is a rare leukemia with features of both ALL and AML. It's rare and really hard to treat. The spinal tap is to check to see if the cancer spread in the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord.
The doctor started getting prepared Annie can you lie on your side with your knees pulled and close to your chest as possible. She nodded wow your flexible the doctor joked I'm a gymnast Annie said softly the doctor then wiped her back and cleaned it off then placed a border plastic thing around her back. Ok Annie I'm going to numb your back now the doctor said Annie nodded squeezing my hand tighter. She shrieked when the needle went in then then put a way bigger needle looking thing in her back and pulled a bunch a fluid from her back. Then then took blood from her arm and put a bandaid on her back Annie sat back and cried into my shoulder I'm scared Bren she whimpered into my chest. " I know ans but I'm not going anywhere I'm staying right here I love you" she smiled then kissed me. Bren can you text katie what's going on she deserves to know she's my best friend " Annie she knows she's here, in the waiting room they won't let anyone back but me and your parents. Speaking of that a doctor said walking in the room. We need to talk to you guys a little about what happened earlier today. I honestly don't remember anything said Annie kinda of embarrassed. " i do" I said taking a deep breath "she woke up and was really sore, since she was a gymnast it was a pretty normal thing so we weren't really worried, then she didn't want to eat, felt dizzy, nauseous so I brought her up to her bed and she slept a lot. Then her mom came home and she passed out minutes later. I called 911 and here we are..." When I was done telling the story Annie reached over and wiped my face then I realize I was crying. I hold Annie tighter. Thank you the doctor said standing up. "Ans do you wanna FaceTime katie and Hayley and Caleb I'm sure they would love to hear your okay." I'm not okay but yeah let's call them. I smiled at Annie and dialed katie. She answered in two rings

K- katie A- Annie C-Caleb H-Hayley

K-brennan I'm so glad you called what's going on how's Annie, is she awake.

I tuned my phone over to Annie

A-hi katie

K-oh my god Annie

Katie started crying hysterically

A- Kate's stop crying I'm going to be ok. I swear.

C- hey Annie

A-hey bub, take care of Hayley please I love you

C-of course ans I love you too

A-where Hayley?

C-she's sitting in the corner crying, not even dad can get her to move or talk.

A-can I try

C- you can try

A- hey haybug

H- Annie?

A- Hayley I'm ok, I promise don't cry please, I love you too much for you to cry over me

H- I'm scared Annie

A- me too Hayley I love you

The doctor suddenly came in. Annie we need to talk.

B- um we have to go bye...

I hung up immediately the doctors tone scared me really bad.

Annie I brought your parents we need to talk. The type of cancer you have Mixed phenotype acute leukemia can be hard to treat because of how quickly it grows, and because it has features of both acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.In children with mixed phenotype acute leukemia, The survival rate is 50% to 60%. Especially because it is stage 3 We need to act fast. You have two options.
I grabbed Annie's hand really tight and rubbed it with my thumb. She then placed her head in the crook of my neck I could tell she was crying but so was I.
Your options include either starting 5 rounds of chemo with radiation or we do nothing and we wait it out. Wait what out? Annie asked her parents looked at each other and then me " we just wait for you to..to go" oh... Annie said looking into my eyes. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her in close. She looked up the doctor. There is no choice. Chemo.

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