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Annie pov: he pulled a small box from his pocket. "Bren, what's this you know you didn't have to get me anything" open it he replied. I opened the box and inside it the prettiest ring. It's a promise ring he says
Brennan pov: "I promise that I will love you forever, I promise that I will always be here, that I will never break your heart, I promise all my love to you Julianna Grace Leblanc because I Love You." She jumped into my arms and I picked her up and swung her around. She giggled, the giggle gets me every time she is so cute. I set her on the ground and held the back of her head in my palm gently pulling her closer to me. Our lips touched and fireworks exploded everywhere just like the first time we kissed. "I love you" I whispered in her ear and kissed her again. "You and me forever ans" I led Annie down towards her dock and we put her feet in the water. I love coming down here, looking at the stars she says "I love looking at you" I replied she hit my arm "ow what was that for?" Your too cheesy she replied he smile growing as she looked at me. "Why are you staring at me? Huh? I mocked her. Your too cute not too she said blushing I hit her on the arm ow what was that for she replied mocking me back "too cheesy" i said as my smile grew wider. You better come here she said grinning, "and what if I don't" I guess you'll just have to wait and see she said climbing on top so she was straddling me she leaned down real slow and connected our lips it was soft but passionate. I could feel her smile when she came up for a breath of air, you like that she mocked, " i did..." I smiled at her she slowly stood up and started walking away from me when she got to the grass she put her hand behind her back and turned to where I was before you coming, I'm waiting to continue why we started....Annie said trying to tease me she turned around but I wasn't there i came behind her and picked her up and swung her in a circle. "Hey i love you" I said kissing her softly while she is still in my arms I love you too Bren forever she said resting her head on my shoulder. I picked her up and brought her inside. We sat down on the couch to watch and movie and she ended up falling asleep on my shoulder.

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