f o u r t e e n

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Annie pov: I went back home and sat on the dock and just looked at the stars. I didn't understand why any of this had to be happening not to me not to brennan or our family. I just want to be happy. I always had the dream as a little girl of having the perfect family. A good looking husband three prefect children and a husky. We would live in a nice house and we would all love each other and get along and everything would be perfect. As I grew up I saw that dream with brennan but I always had a feeling in the back of my mind that I would never get to live that out and I now know why. We aren't both going to both make it to that point in our lives. It's just not going to happen. All odds are against us. My phone started ringing but I didn't look at it I just sat at the dock staring at the water and at the stars. I picked up my phone from my lap and noticed I had 10 missed calls from Caleb and over 30 texts from my family telling me how much they loved me. My phone then rang again but this time it was katie

K- where have you been. Caleb told me what happened, are you ok? Where are you? Annie I love you..please come back I need you.

A-I'm sorry katie I just can't handle being there right now

K-Annie as long as your safe. I just really wish you were here I could really use you

A-I know I'm sorry kate I'll be back in the morning. I have to think some things through.

K- I understand. Caleb is on his way to your house. He is really worried about you.

I hung up with katie immediately

I went to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my phone and even though i knew he couldn't see it I texted brennan

A- hey B, I miss you a lot. This is scary. Not just you being sick and not being able to breath but life. Life is really damn scary without you. I pray every chance I get that you will be okay. That you will make it out of whatever is going on with you. I really miss kissing you already and I can't imagine never doing it again. Bren I want to grow old with you. I want you to be mine forever. I want to get married and have kids with you. We would get a dog and have a cute house. We would be the cool parents. We would grow old together. I can't live without you by my side. I love you.

I then got a text back

B- Annie this is mrs Jill they figured out what is wrong with brennan and he is going to want you here. They are waking him up.

A-I'm on my way!

I grabbed my shoes and a jacket and sprinted to the hospital. I could feel the tears running down my face but I didn't care. I quickly ran out of breath but continued to run anyways. I made it to the hospital. Mrs Jill greeted me at the door and walked me back to brennan's room wiping the tears from my eyes as we approached the door. She stopped me before we walked in. I want you to tell him she started "tell him what" it's Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocystosis or HLH. It's serious, life threatening. It's basically where your body's defense system, called your immune system, does not work normally. Certain white blood cells — histiocytes and lymphocytes — attack your other blood cells. These abnormal blood cells collect in your spleen and liver, causing these organs to enlarge. "How do we cure it?" The only question that mattered to me. Chemotherapy (cancer drugs), Immunotherapy (drugs that affect your immune system), Steroids (drugs that fight inflammation)
Antibiotic drugs, Antiviral drugs
If drug treatments do not work, they may do a stem cell transplant. Where healthy bone marrow cells from a donor probably someone from our family like myself maybe katie replace  diseased bone marrow cells. Stem cell transplant can cure HLH in most cases. However it is painful especially for the donor and it's kinda a last resort mrs Jill told me. "Chemo..." the only word that stuck in my head. You can help him through it I know you can Annie "mrs Jill it's awful i can't see brennan go through that. Plus I had scans two days ago and truthfully I'm not so sure they are going to come off clean. This might turn into a joint chemo thing" Annie don't say that your healthy you have been feeling so much better. "ya..." you have been feeling okay haven't you. " um not really I-" a voice then interrupted me where's Annie I want Annie he said struggling to breath It was brennan. I ran in the door and sat by his side "I'm right here Bren. I'm not going anywhere" he then closed his eyes and went back to sleep. his breathing got better they took him off the ventilator and just had him on oxygen. So is anyone going to tell me what's going on he asked waking up again mrs Jill looked at me and nodded "bren you have something called HLH your body is basically attacking itself" he looked at me so how do we cure it? "I asked the same question B, you have to have chemo...I'm so sorry. I can't even promise that will work" Ans it's not your fault you beat cancer this is my thing. Right then my phone rang it was my mom. "Hold on guys I have to answer this" I said excusing myself. It was my mom.

MK- mrs katie   A-Annie

A- hey mom what's up I'm at the hospital with brennan
MK- (crying) um I'm on my way Annie
A-what's going on mom
MK-I'm so sorry
A-about what. Your scaring me
MK- your doctor just called
MK- its not good Annie. They are admitting you tonight. Go check in.
A-I um...ok

I hung up with my mom and tried drying my tears before walking in to the room again. "Um katie mrs Jill can I um talk to you guys for second." They nodded there heads and walked outside the room with me.
****AN(I'm gonna make this like texting format cause it will be easier to understand. Just for this part) ***

A-(crying) I um got my scan result back
Mj-they are not good are they

I shook my head and cried more.

A-they are admitting me tonight actually right now. Apparently it's really bad. Can someone go with me
K+MJ- we both will
A- one more thing. Brennan doesn't need to know. Not yet
Mj- Annie...he deserves to know he loves you
A- please just let me tell him when I know more. I'm not ready.

They nodded their heads and walked me up to the pediatric oncology wing. I checked in and they got me in a room. I still had my port in so I didn't need an IV. But I got changed into my "really cute"hospital gown. I then let mrs Jill and katie into my room

K-I'm really sorry Ans. This is awful timing.
A- it's ok. Life just doesn't go my way. I get it
K- don't say that
A- it's not wrong...everything that was right just turned wrong.
A-of course. He was my rock and now...
Mj- he's going to be ok annie. So are you
A- ya thanks. This stays between us. You swear no friends no brennan. Not yet
K+mj- we promise.
Mj- I'm going to go tell brennan you had to leave and your mom wanted you home. Tell me when your ready to tell him. We love you Annie.
A- love you too thanks

After that me and katie talked. My mom eventually joined us and then the doctor

D-hi Julianna
D- so it looks like the cancers come back huh
A-that's what I've been told
D- well we need a pretty good plan of action. It's coming back strong. You have another tumor in your back your leg and your intestines I'm sorry but we have to operate as soon as possible.
A- like now?
D- well like 30 minutes yes.
The doctor left and I looked at my phone
K-you need to tell him Annie.
A-I know. Let's FaceTime him
K- good plan.
I called and he picked up almost instantly.
B-where did u go. I miss you
A-b...I need to talk to you
B- of course...wait where are you
A-I-I'm upstairs
B- are you wearing a hospital gown? Annie what's going on? Are you ok?
A- (crying) Bren I'm sick again. The cancer is back
B-I'm so so sorry Ans. I so wish I could be next you holding your hand right now. Everything is going to be okay. We are going to be okay.

Suddenly the doctor came in

D-you ready Annie
A-um yeah...I got to go B
B- go where. Annie what's going on.

Katie grabbed the phone from me and the wheeled me off to the OR

K- bren Annie is going into surgery. I'm coming down to you hold on.

Brennan pov: katie hung up on me. I can't believe Annie is going into surgery it all happened so fast. Im not even there to comfort her. I feel awful. Katie then came into my room. She had tears running down her eyes and so did I "Kate what's going on, I-is she going to be okay?" I um I don't know brennan. I'm sorry. "Can you just tell me what happened." Bren when she got that phone call it was from her mom she told her that her cancer was back and she needed to be admitted so she got me and mom and we walked with her upstairs and helped her get settled. The doctor then came in. She has three new tumors and she's getting them all removed right now. "I need to go be with her. I need to go see her" no brennan you need to stay here. You are really sick. Annie didn't tell you this earlier but this is life threatening and you have to go through what Annie did and it might not work. You might even need a bone marrow transplant. "I heard those hurt" they do bren but if it saves your life it's worth it. " I don't care about saving my life anymore. I need to be there for Annie." Brennan by getting yourself better you are being there for Annie. Giving up on treatment is just going to hurt you more. Suddenly an announcement came over the loud speaker. We need a crash cart in OR 3 crash cart in OR 3. Katie looked at me in horror  "that's Annie isn't it" she nodded. I um have to she said running out of the room

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