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Annie pov: I fell asleep in brennan's in arms last night I was woken up every couple of hours to check my vitals however when I woke up in the morning things seemed different. Brennan was awake. Ready for this ans? " for what?" Annie you start chemo today... and you have to get your port in...you have surgery in 30 minutes. " wait what surgery?" I started hyperventilating. Annie, Annie, you need to calm down please it's not a big deal, pretty much one of the smallest deals about this whole thing I promise your gonna do great. Brennan said calming me down. " um ya ok" I'll be right here when i get out I promise. I love you he said kissing my head. "Hey Bren can you text my family and katie and update them and maybe my gym friends just let them know what's going on. Not the whole story." Of course ans brennan replied kissing me one more time, this time on the lips for good luck My mom kissed me too and the wheeled me out of the room.
Brennan pov: they just took Annie back for surgery. Mrs katie left to go get some food. Annie's phone was on her bedside table to I picked it up and opened it. I first texted the family group chat with paige, mrs katie, mr billy, Hayley and Caleb

B- this is brennan Annie just went into surgery to get her port in. Just thought I would send out an update. She starts chemo today. Send prayers.

I got a ton of responses but didn't read any of them.
I then texted katie.

B- hey Kate's it's brennan. Annie just went into surgery she starts chemo today and I bet she would love to see you. I think she can have visitors today. She gets out at 10 am. Love you

K- I'll be there thx Bren💜

Then I texted sydney.

B- hey syd it's brennan. I don't know if heard but Annie got rushed to the hospital yesterday she got diagnosed with a rare form stage 3 leukemia. She's in surgery right now and starts chemo today. We are keeping this just to friends and family just so you know so please don't post anything yet. She loves you a lot syd. Please call me if you want to talk or need more information.

I then texted Annie's gym friends.

B- hey it's brennan, I know most of you are unaware but yesterday Annie was rushed to the hospital after passing out. She has been diagnosed with a rare form of stage 3 leukemia and her fight is going to be hard. Right now we don't know a whole lot but she is starting chemo today and is currently in surgery. We really don't need to stress Annie out right now  so if you have questions please ask katie or myself and visitors really depend on how Annie is feeling. We are keeping this information private for the mean time so please no posting on social media or telling other people outside this group. Send prayers❤
I then noticed my phone was ringing it was sydney. I could guessed that.

S- sydney   B- brennan

S- I -I can't believe it how is she is it bad brennan please tell me it's not bad

B- syd I can't tell you it's good. I don't think Annie has quite come to terms with the fact that this is life threatening yet

S- what's the survival rate

B- 50%...

S- you have got to be kidding me

B- I really wish I was, I'm so sorry syd

S- no I'm sorry, you guys are in love and you are here comforting everyone else. Do you need anything

B- thanks syd that's sweet but I'm good. Annie might want some clothes from the house if you want to stop by and grab some

S- of course. What time does she get out of surgery?

B- 10 but I don't want to overwhelm her. Can I text you when a good time to come visit would be. Maybe later in the week?

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