n i n e t e e n

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Katie pov: I followed the doctor into the OR he put an IV in my arm and a shot in my hip. The shot was to make the stem cells move into my blood stream they then put me to sleep. When I woke up I thought I was all alone this until I heard a voice coming from the chair next to me hey beautiful. "Caleb! Your scared me" what I'm not allowed to see my girlfriend after she has surgery he asks kissing my forehead. " not here no one knows about us it's too risky sorry bub" about that. I'm done with the whole sneaking around at night and lying I don't get why we can't just tell our families. "I'm scared..." I answered truthfully. why...Kate I love you what could possibly go wrong. "Maybe they won't approve they might think it is weird that I'm dating my brothers girls friends brother I don't know I just don't want to loose you"  I get that Kate I really do but it's time we need to tell them. Tell us what? Annie asked as she walked in the room. "Um Ans can we talk about this with brennan?" I guess she agreed are you guys okay? Ya we are great Caleb awkwardly laughed. Ok... Annie said suspiciously. Caleb grabbed me a wheelchair and helped me into it taking the IV pole with us then wheeled me into brennan's room
Brennan pov: "hey guys" I smiled weakly as katie and Caleb and Annie came in the room. Annie came and laid next to me and Caleb brought katie by the foot of my bed and then sat down. So we have something to tell you guys...Caleb started me and Annie looked at each other and laughed what! What's so funny katie said defending Caleb "you guys think we don't know" wait what how? Caleb asked confused. You guys sneak out of the house at the same time mysteriously go on long walks at night and blush every time the other person walks in the room. It's really that obvious katie says obviously embarrassed. I'm glad it doesn't have to be a secret around you guys anymore Caleb said grabbing katie's hand. What's going on in here mrs katie says walking in the room katie and Caleb quickly disconnected hands which made me and Annie giggle. Oh stop it you two mrs katie said talking to Caleb and katie. You guys are really bad at hiding things we all know it's ok. We totally support you guys. REALLY!!! Caleb asked excited. Of course bubba we love you both very much. Suddenly I felt really sick it became hard to breath I squeezed Annie's hand tight as airflow decreased. You guys need to leave mom get a nurse now! Annie said on the verge of tears. I got you bren you are not going anywhere she said stroking my hair.  A tear slid from my eye as I watched Annie being pulled away from me by doctors and nurses.

Annie's pov: his lungs are failing as well as his liver he needs a transplant. We are putting him on a bypass machine for now and after his lungs and liver are replaced the stem cells should work we are going to try and use the ones katie gave us however it might be too long and we might have to do it again the doctor said looking at katie. Of course she replied. I had tears streaming down my face. Of course this was happening. And as for you miss LeBlanc I need you back in bed it's time to up your chemo. "Great" I said sarcastically. I kissed brennan's forehead and walked back to my room. I'm coming Caleb said as he raced down the hall to catch up with me. I sat down in bed and looked up at Caleb

A: what
C: nothing
A: you don't need to sit here with me
C: i want to Annie
A: honestly I'm ok
C: no Annie listen I've been a really bad brother during all of this and I feel awful about it. I've been running around with katie and stuck in my own little world. I should of been here with my little sister. Brennan has been here the whole time and it should have been me I should have been here and I'm really sorry
A: bub it's ok I promise
C: it's really not Annie. You always have thought of me as such an amazing brother and I don't get it you give everything to me and I give nothing in return
A: Caleb...you have always been there for me. I know that the second that brennan called you you raced over here I don't need you to tell me I know whenever I need you you are going to be right by my side and I really need you right now.

I started crying Caleb came and sat next to me. I'm not leaving. Not anymore he said as he dried my tears. I love you Banana.

My phone then dinged and it was a text from katie.

K: they found him lungs surgery in 30. He's gonna get better Ans!

A: that's great news Kate

K: you ok?

A: just dont feel great they upped my chemo

K: sorry ans

Suddenly a new doctor came in my room the guy who I saw when I was originally admitted I am really sorry Annie but we are going to need to do another spinal tap. I squeezed Caleb's hand really tight. You want him to stay the doctor asked I nodded. So where is brennan today he asked trying  to make small talk with me. "In surgery" I managed to squeak out. Oh was all the doctor could say. He rolled me on my side and cleaned the area as he had done before when he pulled out the lidocaine needle Caleb squeezed my hand tight. "What was that for" I asked him confused. Sorry ans that need is just really big doesn't that hurt. "A lot and you are not helping mr. " right sorry he said as he knelt down next to me. They numbed my back and I squeezed Caleb tighter. It's almost done ans you are doing great. "Bub that is just the pain medication" seriously he asked dumbfounded "seriously" I responded. Woah woah woah Caleb said when they brought out the second needle you aren't sticking that thing in my sisters back. The doctor just looked at me. "Caleb I just need to get this over with come back down here please" right sorry he said as he held my hand again. "Brennan is way better at this than you" I said joking. I know I'm sorry ans I just hate seeing you hurt. " I know bub" when they were done I laid back down and immediately felt sick. " guess the chemo has already come back in full force" I said grabbing my stomach. Wha- Caleb started before realizing what I meant. He leaned over and grabbed me a bucket for me to throw up in. My phone then dinged again.

K: he's out of surgery not breathing on his own...

A/n is brennan going to be okay, how bad off is Annie, what about katie and Caleb how is there relationship going to be now that they are no longer hiding it. Leave suggestions in the comments!!

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