Twenty four

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Brennan pov: Annie cried in my shoulder all the way home I️ wasn't 100% sure what about but everything happening was a good enough reason for my. I️ wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear the whole way home how much I️ love her because she deserves to know. We reach the house and instead of pulling out the wheelchair I️ scoop Annie up in my arms and carry her to the couch where we planned to spend the next couple of days together. So...mrs katie said walking into the room next to mr billy. This treatment is an option and it could be a very good one she began I️ shot a smile towards Annie and squeezed her thigh. But... she continues it um the treatment has um is um. She couldn't quite seem to get the words out of her mouth I️ brought Annie closer to my body and held her tight not wanting to ever let go. It could kill mr billy finished her sentence. Tears were rolling down my cheeks but hers were dry let's do it annie said almost immediately "wait a second, Ans I️ know I️ don't have a huge say in this but is it really worth your life this maybe chance is it worth everything?" She kissed my cheek nodded and wiped my tears. No you are worth everything she said leaning back into me. I️ wanted to argue back at her decision but I️ knew I️ couldn't it was her life and I'm gonna have to go with her decision. We snuggled and watched her favorite movies for hours. We had moved into Annie's bed and were watching tangled by ourselves when Annie looked up at me. I️ think I'm ready "ready for what Ans" I️ respond confused. Ready to let go, ready to not hurt, ready for no more doctors appointments, ready for no more surgery, brennan I'm ready to let go..." what about us ans, are you ready to let that go? What about your siblings and your dogs? Annie what about your parents. I'm not ready to let you go im sorry but what about our future, our kids, grandkids? Two dogs and a big house. Annie we have a plan and you are the biggest part of it. Nothing in my life works without you. You can't give up on us...please"

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