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Annie pov: I have been in and out of the hospital and home. The treatments getting more painful each time. Today I go in for another dose of chemo and a scan. I packed up my stuff and brennan and my mom came with me to the hospital. I had chemo first. This was a normal thing now for me and brennan sitting talking for hours. I would get sick and tired often today I was in a lot of pain, everything hurt. I also got a small fever which is a big deal. They wanted to keep me overnight to watch my fever so i got moved into a private room upstairs. I laid my head on brennan's shoulder and when i lifted it off half of my hair was left on his shirt. I guess I expected this but it was strange and scary. You okay Annie? Brennan said rubbing my back "ya sorry, it just strange to see that I guess..." are you ready? "For what?" To shave it off, to be my bad ass cancer butt kicking girlfriend? "I think it's time, can you do it" I asked. I'd love to he replied. He pulls a razor from a bag he has bad a the hospital. "Seriously you've had that the whole time just waiting..." I figured you would need it at some point he said slightly smiling. I didn't feel well enough or strong enough to stand up so we did it over a plastic container and shaved all my hair off. I stared at my reflection in my phone. You look beautiful as ever brennan said kissing my forehead through his mask. I smiled and started to lie back down "ow" I said as something pinched in my back. You ok ans brennan asked me "not really my back hurts really bad, like really bad" I said grabbing brennan's hand with tears running down my face. I'll be right back he said I'm going to grab a nurse. I grabbed my moms hand who was sitting on the other side of me and cried in pain.

Brennan pov: I went out in the hall and to the nurses station. "I'm looking for kendra, Julianna LeBlancs nurse" she is on her break but what can we do for you "Annie is in a lot of pain i was just wondering if maybe you could help with that. " Of course show me the way " one more thing, I know I'm not a doctor or anything but it seems that her back is bothering her a lot more than other places...I'm
Just worried that..." me too the nurse said then turned back to the desk someone page Dr. Thompson for Julianna LeBlanc please tell him it's urgent. Can we also get an MRI stat. MRI is open you can head up there with her. thank you for letting me know. You seriously could have done something amazing for her. She followed me into Annie's room. Hello Julianna my name is Sara I am going to take you for an MRI just a little precaution. Let me push some more pain meds first ok? Annie nodded and looked at me nervously your okay I mouthed. They quickly left with Annie and mrs katie looked freaked out. What just happened? She asked me "annie has been complaining about her back for about a week but i thought it was just the chemo and the cancer making her week. I think it's possible the cancer spread to her back. Maybe a tumor I'm not quite sure. The original spinal tap came back clean but I feel like they are going to want to do another one. I feel so bad this is all just awful she doesn't deserve this." The doctor came in a few minutes later. You were completely right brennan. A giant tumor on her spine, size of a softball it needs to be removed. Now. It could paralyze her. She's super nervous and keeps asking for you can you come with me. I nodded and followed the doctor back to the OR he had me put on full scrub gear and walked me over to the table where Annie was laying on her stomach. I bent down so she could see me. "Hey Ans I'm right here" I said rubbing her head. She turned towards me with tears in her eyes. Brennan I don't know if i am going to make it. I think I am going to die "Of course you are going to make it Annie. You have to for me and Hayley and Caleb and katie you can't let go you have to keep on fighting. And remember our deal no "d words" ok? " ya i-I love y-you. And with that she was put to sleep. The doctor thanked me and i went back to the room. When I got there mrs katie immediately asked me how she was "terrified, she thought she was going to die" I answered truthfully. Brennan all of Annie's gym friends keep texting Annie's phone i think we all just need a break can you text them just give them an update and tell them that we need some time. "Of course" I said picking up Annie's phone.

To Annie's gym friends

B- hey guys it's brennan again. So I just want to share an update. I know the past updates have been pretty good news but unfortunately this one is not the same. Annie returned to the hospital today for chemo and came down with a fever. She was in a lot of pain especially in her back. I let a nurse know and they took her to get scans immediately. We thought that everything was looking up however they discovered a giant tumor about the size of a softball on her spine that was causing an intense amount of pain. She was rushed to emergency surgery which is where she is now. I had the opportunity to go into the OR while they put her under as she was very anxious but she is nervous as am I about her chance of survival at this point. This tumor may very well paralyze her if she does make it out of surgery alive. For now we could really just use your prayers. The family really just needs time right now so please refrain from texting them at this time. If you have anything of high importance please text me not Annie or any of the other family members. Thanks Brennan.

I sent the same thing to sydney and the update to the family. I then texted katie

B- hey I assume you got my text are you okay?

K- I haven't read it yet what's going on?

B- read it first

K- omg brennan. I-I don't...are you ok?

B- not at all. Can you please come to the hospital.

K- of course I'm on my way.

About a half hour later katie ran into the room. I got up and hugged her immediately. I excused us to the hallway and mr billy and Caleb and Hayley were now here. I sat down on the floor laying my head in katie's lap and balled my eyes out "I'm sorry Kate it's just I've been trying to be strong for so long. But this is scary, I can't lose her katie." Shh I know she said rubbing by head with tears also running down her face. About three hours late a nurse came into the room. I just came to bring an update she started we got about 60% of the tumor but the other 40% is pressed against the spinal chord. It is a risky surgery we could potentially paralyze her. We can try and shrink the tumor with radiation and a high dose of chemo but honestly this is her best shot. Do it mr billy said looking down at his hands. " I agree do it I would rather have her alive even if she is paralyzed. " are you guys insane Caleb started she is a gymnast for crying out loud. "Caleb would you rather have her alive, it's more important save her." The nurse nodded and went back to the OR

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