#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
I can't believe it we actually passed 20 submission forcing me to create a second page for submission I've actually been floored by a few submissions so far, I just pray that they are some of you who have given their art a chance as you do with mine and my Sisters, a lot of them deserve more reads, followers, and overall recognition for their art and that's the very reason I started this although I'm not absolutely gigantic in the art community and don't garnish the reads that some of these talented artists do but it's that effort that is appreciated by the world at large, I have so much respect for the Artists of Wattpad just for their skill alone I was always more talented with Writing while my Sis inherited a skill I lacked Art, I believe my inability to draw gave me a bigger appreciation for Art as a whole as it can better convey the scenes I write and be examined and appreciated in depth far more than simple or complex writing will allow. -------------------------------------------------------------
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Drawn by mexico520 -------------------------------------------------------------
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Drawn by Akperry03 -------------------------------------------------------------
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