#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
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(That's Sepero on the left)
Someone please draw him!!!
I almost married Farkas because well he's adorable if flustered...
I have never really been good on creating character in Skyrim but I think I did really good with Sepero honestly I'm attracted to him I can't deny it their is something about him that I just like, I haven't really wrote a backstory for Sepero yet besides him being a Imperial from Cyrodil with amazing luck surviving bandit scuffles that completely wiped out the mercenary bands he's joined and a few bad encounters with the Thalmor one of which led to his arrest and the start of friendship between him and a Thalmor Justiciar who played cards with him during his brief time in their custody, Sepero managed to gain the trust of this Justiciar and convinced him to stage a escape slipping him the key to his cell and letting him punch him making it look like he escaped in the years that followed that Justiciar acted like his eyes on the inside expunging his name from the records having gained ranks and pull in the Thalmor, Sepero in his work found his way up to Skyrim where once more his band was wiped out this time by a corrupt group of Stormcloaks just before the Civil War started all because their was a high price on the head of one Argonian it's unknown if they got him in the ensuing struggle but this has lead Sepero to trying to track the slippery lizard throughout the lands of Skyrim with little avail till a tip leads both of them to getting caught up in General Tullius' trap and leading to the two of them facing the chopping block till Alduin's assault on Helgen from there the two unwillingly cooperate till going their separate ways with promises of Sepero hunting down the Argonian after getting back on his feet from his early beginnings in Riverwood he comes across Anise's cabin unnerved by her behavior he checks around her house as she goes out to collect alchemical ingredients soon he finds he cellar and there he learns of her attempt to create a coven and goes back upstairs and waits for her impaling her on the wall as she walks around the corner curious if her visitor had left leaving a few days later while talking to the Riverwood Blacksmith three mercenaries well equipped in full steel armor come walking down the main street stopping and turning to him telling him he is wanted dead acting quick Sepero stabbed one in the throat with a dagger lying on a nearby table pushing him into one of his friends causing them to fall to the ground trying to slash him the last Man standing raises his blade only for his arm to be caught by Sepero who then punches him causing him to stumble back giving Sepero time to retreat and prepare luckily Faendal and Sven shoot the soldier approaching Sepero in the side of the head and throat, Sepero then grabs the sword from the dying man's hand stabbing the last Merc as he finally pushes his dead friend up off him from there Sepero rents a carriages to transport the bodies down the river to a bunch of Mudcrabs with help of Faendal and Sven he strips their bodies of everything before tossing them to the Mudcrabs from there Sepero learns that the contract was because he killed Anise the lady he killed outside Riverwood forgetting about this attempt on his life he went to Whiterun fighting a giant with Farkas and Aela outside the city gates eventually leading to him joining the companions I haven't really gone past that yet.
Figures I write about a man I'm attracted to when in heat... (Seriously kill me...)
Before I leave I'm going to post this real quick before I forget.
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This was drawn by miiins as part of her raffle now that she's over 300 Followers congrats by the way, so to join the raffle you had to put this up in your book somewhere.
I also wanted to post a few really crap pictures I got of the stray cats I'm friends with.
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It's really hard to get pictures of black cats especially when they don't want to look into the camera anyway this is Hudson as I've called him for the past couple months he was the friend of Walter a stray I've since found a home now I may have gotten Huddy a home as well with my uncle.
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I don't really have a good name for him but this stray has suddenly got very friendly from his previously skittish state just like poor Huddy sadly he's the only one I've yet to get a home for yet and I feel extremely guilty taking away one of his only friends but what other choice do I have?
Also DracoArt I will try my damnedest to draw myself a Lobsta Dawg, I wanted to draw one today but like always time never worked out and I didn't have that drive needed to draw still even if I do draw one I fear I'll be too apprehensive to make any additional details or prehaps even color him.