#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
I got a bunch of art from Toony lately and I didn't know where to put it so I'll put it here.
I won two prizes in Toony's last raffle I won some ship art I really wanted to get at some point honestly besides Ayo and Cooper I can't think of many OC's I would ship with each other I'm thinking maybe Hazel and Adarius they may be cute together but their romance isn't really something I have in mind for the original story. I don't know maybe I'll make a chapter later asking what characters you would find cute together it would be interesting little experiment I suppose.
Here's the ship art!
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Draw by CartoonyCanine good do I love you for doing this for me originally I was thinking of commissioning you for this when I finally was able to get DA points, but I'll surely find something else for you I have a lot of drawings in mind for my characters.
Yes I'm sure some of you are confused by why Ayo is so small well he's literally only 4'11" while Cooper is 6'4" although do question how Toony scaled this piece because it's probably a little off in scale but I could care less because it's freaking adorable seriously this is for me the only romance I created that I truly approve of probably because I relate so much to Ayo I mean he is my 2nd Fursona and represent my darker side and the war I have with my family.
I also won a Webbitile custom from CartoonyCanine it's one of her own species to tell you the truth I'm happy to have her despite my difficulties maintaining and writing for all my OC's it just feels like a personal gift to me from Toony despite it being merely a prize I know I'm looking at in the wrong way but it means a lot to me that Toony and I care for each other the way we do. You can never have enough friends in this world I just don't have as many that will talk to me as much as Toony and considering how lonely I get I truly appreciate sadly I never feel I can repay my teacher and friend for what she's done but I'll always be there for her when she needs me.
Here's the Webbitile!
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So here's Aphia sadly she doesn't have much of a story yet but I love her design so very much, I couldn't really think up anything even for her personality so I just said something stupid like "Ambitious Loner" so let's see what I can do with her.
Here's a bunch of dogs I created on this weird Avatar maker game I messed around with.
None have names but they would make interesting OC's just because of the quality of the original presents.
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The first and last of these have to be my favorite of course if you look closely enough you notice all these little errors where pieces don't fit too well still I think they look really nice.