#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
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He somehow fits everywhere despite that size and girth what is he elastic?
Fat boy is addicted to boxes and bags seriously he will try and fit in things he clearly can't I mean once he fit his lower half in a tall box and had to pull himself around with his front feet he looked like a snail! XD
On a sadder note I'm sorry about not being on yesterday it's just the shit that went down in Las Vegas really messed with me, I don't know what it was honestly I expect a lot of these shootings considering the state of the world today as depressing as this entire affair is it caused some self reflection since when did I start caring for humanity again, now don't get me wrong I can care for my fellow man but to actually start crying that's rare for me, I didn't even cry at my best friends funeral but this was different it appears I'm no longer numb to the world prehaps because I learned to care for you guys and you my closest friends I've regained a little bit of my humanity, since I started feeling emotions after my wife's death I have found the strengths in it, originally I believed emotions are why we as a race have failed time and time again and for that reason I erased them from my being though honestly in a world where a man could kill so many and still be considered human wouldn't you renounce humanity?
After this their is a lot of ramblings on philosophy and my own journey as a philosopher.
It appears the biggest fault in philosophy is this sense of narcissism that leads us to not just renounce our humanity but to simply picture others as fools I know the dregs of society that I see shamble by daily has a profound effect on me as I hear their stories of addiction, lust, and violence that lead them to the sad state they are currently in with that you hold yourself above them believing you are smarter than them this is a failure of the human mind and a grand stumble that could spell doom for each of us. I believe the source of our narcissism is not just the love of ourselves as philosophers or believing we are smart but the intimacy we have with ourselves as we try and understand what makes us tick or others seeing how we too are human we turn inward sucking up any tidbit of knowledge, I know however of the evils brought to the front by this process of thought my own we're murderous desires, I wished to kill to beat someone until they were merely a red streak on the ground, I even started feeling the sudden need to just strike random people just to relish in their pain without a astounding level of temperance it is impossible not to indulge in these dark desires this may just proof that old saying "That their is a fine line between being a genius and insane." It would be narcissistic however to consider myself a genius I'll just be me and not lose myself to the trappings of lesser philosophers.
Consider yesterday my moment of silence for Vegas...