#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
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I loved the sketch I did for this one, but the colored version not so much though that may be because the patchiness due to my inexperience with the gel pens, I have to admit I like the amount of detail you can do with these robotic characters I mean besides all the mechanical features I can add almost all my regular features since they imitate those characters.
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Okay design wise this may be my favorite creation I added so much little details that made him a truly unique character I mean the marbles and bells hanging from the tufts of fur around his face add a magic fantasy feel around and with the addition of the goat like pupils he radiates this strange beauty that captivates the eyes, the addition of little horns a more adolescent and powerful feeling to him as a character and lastly the piercings add much needed detail to the ears. As I'm sure many of you can tell this character was drawn about a week ago right after OX why I never shared this character I don't know but here he is.
Also some News does anyone remember that disaster of a Contest I held along time ago well instead of keeping it in Limbo in a vain hope of more contestants appearing from thin air I'm going to end it within the next couple days this way all those Artist's efforts weren't wasted.