#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
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Traced drawing
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Finished drawing
Okay this is just a quick piece I did while trying to draw Mia from Bojack Horseman of the two pieces this one is clearly the worst just in style alone but still I did mess up a few things like how her suit is supposed to be like a blue leopard print instead I went with two types of blue, her head is slightly mishapened seeing how it was supposed to curve more around her nose, I messed up that single tooth it was supposed to be angled backwards, the purple I used around her eyes was too dark and it blocks out the other eyelashes, lastly the furry edges look horrid
I may be weird for this but I really wished Todd would have ended up with this girl because their interactions we're absolutely adorable and you know what I ain't alone actually their is some cute fan art shipping the two.
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Untraced drawing (I can't find the courage to trace or color and can you blame me?)
Okay this is the best I got for today Charlotte from Bojack Horseman this was just referenced from some really nice fan art I found and needless to say I can't believe how good it really turned out, I honestly can't believe I drew this and it makes me proud just to show it to you, of course a few things could be better but I can't keep going over it I mean I likely smudged a large portion around the right eye (Which I'm slowly noticing is making her look unhinged) her jacket is really bad looking at least to me and last her nose should probably be rotated just a little bit.