#234 in Random on 10/13/17 This a book to display the art my sister draws for me and occasionally my own.
Home of the Artists of Wattpad which is collection of pages dedicated to showing off artists works and allow them more exposure...
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Untraced drawing.
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Finished drawing.
(Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks she's cute?)
I accidentally made a Lemon (not that kind you perverts!) honestly I love her don't know why though if I can attribute a emotion or something to my life to her she may truly be a keeper. I decided to do a red outline around her considering Toony's last piece did it and reminded me of one of my favorite animes "No Game, No Life". I originally wanted to do her cheek tufts a pinkish to keep with the lemon theme with pink lemonade but I decided against it after seeing how well the red outline worked against the white, I decided to use her braided hair like a necklace being laid across her chest a marble lays like the jewel, I also add those green strips on her face to add detail and flesh out her face a little more.
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Here's a headshot I got from one of my former Contest Winners megyyhgfddh please go check them out they are underappreciated and have a really unique style.
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Untraced drawing.
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Near finished drawing before I added the cloak.
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Finished drawing.
I just drew this up at random honestly I couldn't choose a gender but considering my general lack of female characters I felt it was appropriate to make it a "her". I have absolutely no names so I'm open to suggestions. I originally did most of the sketch without a care getting a character that honestly isn't too unique from my other characters until I started that tiara (or crown IDK) that's when I decided I was drawing royalty but I considered aging her slightly with crows feet and bags under her eyes, I then decided on making these metallic ears which honestly may just some strange type of armor, I decided upon making her cloak dark blue similar to Adarius's I tried imitating those furred edges putting a bunch of black dots, lastly I tried making a shiny gold breastplate although I'm not sure if I messed up or it's my gold gel pen but it keeps coming out more of a bronze color if you know what's going on please tell me.