Apparently I Can Draw #21 Flanders

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Pencil sketch

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Pencil sketch

Traced sketch

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Finished sketch

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Finished sketch

Finished sketch

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My reference

Now let's point out the flaws

#1 His right eye is far too large

#2 His hair doesn't curl back as naturally as the reference

#3 His moustache isn't as smooth as it's supposed to be

#4 His ear is squished downwards and is misshapened

#5 His collar should be larger and the edges should be sharper

#6 His neck is to fat and should curve inwards

#7 His head is bigger than it should be

#8 His lips are in the wrong position from the relation of the moustache

#9 The pink used for the collar should be darker

#10 The green for his shirt should be darker

#11 The lines are terrible messy

Drawings from my Dear SisterWhere stories live. Discover now