Sketchbook Random #24 Ever Heard of LSD Simulator

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Because this would fight right in

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Because this would fight right in... Seriously though I don't know what this is...It reminds me of that weird snake guy from the first episode of Berserk, mothman weirdly enough, something from Touhou Project, and the rest a mixture of odd things the Japanese have probably done in secret. Sadly that's all I got I haven't been able to do much lately due to another illness but this general weakness is probably to be expected with someone with irritable bowel syndrome, I have also been facing a severe lack of inspiration which has left me rather annoyed with myself as I try and try to find something to inspire some more art for now I think I'll practice a little. I'm not sure if you guys would like to see me practice or not but I leave that up to you just tell me what you think in the comments.

Also here's some LSD Dream Simulator for you.

Likely some trippy shit so hold onto your butts!

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