Sketchbook Random #5 Gorrilaz Headshots

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Colored 2D headshot

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Colored 2D headshot

I messed up 2D's eyes a bit also since I can't blend colors well his hair is a light purple that and his left ear looks like it sticks off his head someways.

I messed up 2D's eyes a bit also since I can't blend colors well his hair is a light purple that and his left ear looks like it sticks off his head someways

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Colored Young Noodle Headshot

My biggest problem with this picture is my inability to recreate the little white streaks in the hair that made it more lively, the headphones are different sizes from each other.

Poor poor Murdoc looks like a rip off of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, his hair is so damn shaggy looking in this picture, his ear is once again far away from a location that looks realistic, his teeth look a little small

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Poor poor Murdoc looks like a rip off of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, his hair is so damn shaggy looking in this picture, his ear is once again far away from a location that looks realistic, his teeth look a little small.

Poor poor Murdoc looks like a rip off of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, his hair is so damn shaggy looking in this picture, his ear is once again far away from a location that looks realistic, his teeth look a little small

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Yet another failure in my book sadly Russel's skin tone is different on both sides, the crease under his left eye looks very strange, his nose is cocked in a alright angle but his mouth isn't inline with it.

As bad as these are keep in mind I drew this in the dark so I actually impressed myself.

I should have said this far sooner but thank you all for even giving me the time of day reading this, I never expected this to get anything more than 2k reads we passed 10k reads awhile ago, I'm not talented enough to be worth your attention in my eyes I have tons of connections to other Artists who are insanely talented and deserve far more love since I created "The Artists of Wattpad" section I felt truly embraced by the community and my reads damn near doubled, I got to a point where I this book received 1k reads in a single day, although you can't see me behind a screen this has brought me to tears, may I also talk about my great friends who kept me company and done various things for me throughout our time on here, CartoonyCanine may be the greatest example of this as we've maintained regular contact and need I tell you how many things she's drawn for me, she herself may be the reason this book is so successful and for that I would like to thank her I only wish I could repay her kindness.

Drawings from my Dear SisterWhere stories live. Discover now