Chapter 12

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I screamed as a sat straight up. Normally Rumple would come down that hall a knock on my door and ask if I needed anything. He would hug me and tell me it was ok, but not tonight.

I was alone in my apartment. I cried. "Help." I whispered. "It was only a nightmare."

I reached for my phone on the night stand. 2:38 am. I rolled back over and tried to sleep.

It was useless. It wasn't happening. I grabbed my phone again. 2:45. Without thinking a called the first number on my phone.

"Hello?" Gold's voice was tired.

He was asleep. Stupid! Stupid! "Hi. I just.." I started to cry.

"Hey. It's ok. Just relax." Just the sound of his thick accent calmed me down.

"Th-thank y-you." I gasped for air.

"Do you need me to..." he stopped like he changed his mind. "What if I call Belle. She can come sit with you."

All I really wanted was him, "No. I'll be fine. I just needed to talk to someone."

I stopped calling him. I made sure I didn't run into him. When I did see him I turned around and walked away. I couldn't see him.

I walked into Granny's Diner and sat at the bar. I was friends with a waitress there, Ruby. She was the only one I had told about my fling with Mr. Gold.

She walked up to me with the craziest smile I had ever seen. "Don't look now, but hottie at 9:00 is checking you out." She walked away to go get my usual.

After a couple minutes of pretending to be on my phone I looked over at him. Sure enough I caught him looking. He quickly looked back at the girl sitting across from him. She looked about 12 years old.

"He's hot huh?" Ruby handed my my plate.

"Who's the girl?"

"That's his daughter, Grace. Her mom died a long time ago."


"You should ask him to the karaoke thing tonight. It here, so it would be fun and easy!" Ruby laughed.

"I don't even know his name!"

"Jefferson. There, now go." She motioned for me to go over to him.

"I don't know Ruby." I wined.

"You have to get over Gold eventually. It was just because he was nice. Jefferson is nice, and single!"

She was right. I stood up and walked over to his table. Grace had gotten up and gone somewhere (probably the bathroom). I sat down where she had been sitting.

"Hi, I'm y/n." I smiled.

"I'm Jefferson." He reached across the table to shake my hand.

I shook his hand, "I noticed you looking."

His face turned red.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the karaoke thing tonight. With me I mean." I was so nervous.

"Yah." His eyes lit up. "Where do you live. I'll pick you up around 5:30."

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