Chapter 37

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My dad linked his arm in mine and the doors swung open. The song was playing and everyone was standing. There were cream rose petals on the ground where I walked, but I wasn't paying attention to any of that.

Rumplestiltskin, my husband to be, stood at the front of the room. He was crying. Not balling his eyes out, but crying.

When I got to the front I hugged my dad then went up to Rumple and took his hands in mine. His larger hands held mine tight, as if he might lose me again.

Rumple's POV

I looked at my beautiful bride. Her hands fell soft in mine. She wore that golden lipstick. I didn't think she would, not today at least, but she did. I was glad. She looked so beautiful now. As Y/N L/N, but I couldn't wait until she was Y/N Gold.

Your POV

We quickly reached the I dos. Then the kiss. He placed one hand on my back pulling me closer to him. He kissed me like we might never see each other again. It lasted forever, and yet somehow, not long enough.

When we broke apart I saw Belle sitting in the fifth row. I took a deep breath, I am not going to let her ruin my wedding.

A couple months later Rumple busted through the door after work, "Y/N! You won't believe what is happening!"

I smile at his excitement, "What? What happened."

"The Charmings have a way to the Enchanted Forest and back!" He ran up to me, wrapping me in his arms.


"Dear, we are going to the Dark Castle."

"Really!?" I screamed and Rumple covered his ears. "Sorry. Wait! What should I bring?"

"Not a thing. I will provide everything." He smirked.

"When do we leave?"



Rumple and I were surrounded by purple smoke. When I fell we were with many other people from Storybrook.

"They are all going?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yes. They all want to go home."I nodded. Regina tossed the bean on the ground. "Now, just think of the Enchanted Forest."

He grabbed my hand and he jumped into the portal. The only thing I could see was Rumple and light.

Then I landed hard. Rumple caught me before I fell. "Are you okay dear?"

"Yeah, I think." I stopped leaning on him.

"You are beautiful Mrs. Gold."

I blushed, "Thank you Mr. Gold."

We both just smiled for a minute before he continued, "Now, off to the Dark Castle." People around us had started going off into the woods, probably heading home.

"Okay, how far away is it."

"Oh, at least a days journey by carriage."

"Oh, wow."

"Yes. It is good we aren't going by carriage." He laughed, and teleported us.

I looked around at the big room. It was exactly at Ruby had described it, but somehow more beautiful. "Wow. How long can we stay?" I looked down and I was in leather pants and a blouse. He was back to Rumplestiltskin.

"Well, until Regina is done. The way I understand it, a few months."


"Yes, is that a problem?"


Over the next couple days I learned my way around the Dark Castle, and life went in the Enchanted Forest. Many things where different like, no microwave, no running water, no toilets! Rumple did do his best to make it easy for me. He used his magic to make meals. The Dark Castle did have bathrooms, but they were just small rooms with with a bucket of water for washing your hands, a large tub that you fill with heated water, and empty bucket for going to the bathroom. I could deal though.

Rumple's POV

Y/N shot straight up in bed and ran to the bathroom. "Y/N, dear, are you okay?" I got out of bed and followed her.

She was leaning over the bucket vomiting. I pulled her hair up with my hands, and magiced a ribbon to me. I gently tied up her hair.

She couldn't keep anything down, and on the third day to took her to DOC. When we got to their hobble he took her into a room. When he came back out he told me the news.

She was pregnant!

Your POV

"Pregnant? There is no way!" I had missed my period, but no. I couldn't be. It was impossible, "It's physically impossible. I just can't be."

"Yes, I understand, but you are." DOC tried to explain to me. "Rumplestiltskin is a magical creature after all."

I nodded as tears rolled down my face, "Can, can you tell rumple. Please."

"Are you sure that's what you would like?"

I nodded and DOC left. Soon Rumple came in.

"We're pregnant!"

"Yeah." I wiped the tears from my face.

He sat down on the bed next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just." I tried to steady my breathing, "I never thought I would be pregnant, and here we are."

"So, are you happy?" He asked with weary eyes.

"Yeah. I'm just a bit worried. How long will we be here? How much of my pregnancy will I be stuck here? How did this even happen!? I can't be a mom! Rumple, we can't raise a kid here!" I faded into frantic sobs.

He wrapped arms around me and pulled my head to my chest. "It's okay. I'll go talk to Regina today." He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes, "You should go home and get some rest."

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