Chapter 1

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Your POV

I walked into the bar of this new town. I'm a run away. I ran away from abusive friends and boyfriends. I couldn't stand it anymore. I was getting so depressed.

I walked into 'The Rabbit Hole' and took a seat on the stool.

"Here you go Gold." The bar tender handed a drink to the man next to me before turning to me, "And what can I get you."

"I don't care." I answered.

"Gold. That's an interesting name." I said to the man beside me.

"Only a last name dearie. May I ask what yours is?"

I laughed a bit at the funny way he asked me the question and his Scottish accent. "Y/N."

Gold's POV

I beautiful girl talking to me. She was probably just lonely. We didn't look at each other when we talked. I looked up for a split second and saw one thing. Dark gold lipstick.

I had never seen a woman where that color lipstick. It was beautiful.

Your POV

"So, Y/N, are you new in town?" He questioned.

I gave a forced laugh trying to cover the fact that I was about to cry, "Yes, Actually."

"Why did you come to this little town?"

I had received my drink. I took one drink and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom." I headed to the back of the bar.

I sat down on the bathroom floor and began to rummage through my purse. "Ah ha!" I pulled out the bottle of pills. I was ready. Nothing was going to get any better.

I threw my head back and swallowed all the pills. Soon I passed out.

I woke up. I WOKE UP? I was in a hospital room. I nurse walked in.

"What happened?" I whimpered.

"A woman found you. You're lucky the doctor was able to saved you."

I wouldn't say luck.

"Do you have anyone who you can stay with?" The nurse asked.

"No. I'm alone here." A tear steamed down my face.

The nurse flashed me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry. We can't send you home alone. You will have to stay here."

Gold's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. I was there because it was also the doctors office. I was there for a check up. (Eye roll). I assure you I'm fine, but they insist on me getting basic check ups to prevent flu and such.

I heard loud screaming. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU!!!"

I recognized the voice, Y/N. I stood up and walked in the direction of the yelling.

"Sir. You can't go back there." The nurse at the front desk didn't even look up when she was talking.

I shot her a glare, "Pardon me?" I practically own the town, including a large part of the hospital.

She looked up, "I'm so sorry Mr. Gold. G-go ahead." The nurse stuttered.

When I reached the door of the room I saw her. The nurse was trying to get her to lay down and she was pushing the nurse away.

The moment the nurse saw me she stood up and looked at me, "I'm sorry for the noise Mr. Gold. Can I help you with something?"

"Gold!" Y/N seemed... excited? "Can I stay with you?" She turned the the nurse, "I'd rather stay with someone I barley know then stay here!"

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