Chapter 17

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Your POV

I was being a baby. I wiped the tears from my eyes and went to the bathroom. I got ready. I had on full makeup. I half smiled at myself in the mirror. I was ready to take on the world.

I swung open the door to Granny's. Belle was at the bar. People where crowded around her, and comforting her. I quickly turned around and began to walk out.

A man appeared in front of me. He seemed to tower over me. His messy hair reached his shoulders. He wore leather, and not like fashionable leather, but like he had just stepped out of a fairy tale. His skin was scaled and gold. The scariest part about this man was the look on his face. The smirk he wore would have made a lion cower in fear.

Then his high pitched voice, rich with a Scottish accent, hit my ears, "Don't be afraid of them dearie. She was in the wrong. You are just fine." He placed his bony hand on my back turning me around and ushering me inside.

I now knew why everyone was terrified of him in the Enchanted Forest. "Rumplestiltskin?" The name escaped my mouth.

"Yes of course dear. I forgot you hadn't seen my true form." He gave a high pitched laugh as we entered the diner.

We walked inside. I slid in one of the booths. He sat across from me cross legged (or Indian style). People glared at us. Someone even called me a name.

The person slipped on some water that had mysteriously appeared there. I looked up at Rumple. He was looking at the table smirking.

"I know you did that." I held back laughing.

He looked up at me for a moment. Then his gaze returned to the table.

"What are you thinking about?" I watched his eyes flicker. He wasn't scary to me anymore. I actually found it kind of cute.

Ruby walked over. "Hello brave souls. What can I get you today?"

I smiled at Ruby. She was my only friend left. "Just a burger. Rumple?"

His eyes met Ruby's. She gave an unsure smile. "I'll have the same." His smile widened as he spoke, and he slowly tilted his head to the side.

After we finished eating I told Rumple to go ahead home. I wanted to talk to Ruby. When Ruby saw him walk out she ran over to me and sat down where he had been sitting.

She sat up straight and tilted her head to the side. "Hello dearie."

I laughed at her odd impression of Rumple. "What would you say to a stay in girls night?" I asked when I stopped laughing.

"I would say yes. Let me go tell Granny I'm leaving and we can go."

I smiled 'thank goodness'.

We both stood up and she followed me to the door, "I'm leaving Granny!" She shouted. I laughed a bit.

When we got back to my apartment we both flopped on the couch. "So, he's a bit creepy this way, huh?" Ruby asked.

"Actually I like it." I replied honestly.

She laughed. "I should have guessed. Anyway, tell me what happened with him and Belle!"

"Apparently she was really mentally abusive. He had been cutting. Once, she had gotten really mad at him, and told him she never wanted to see him again. He..." I faded off.

"What did he do!?" She begged for an answer.

"If I tell you you can't tell another soul."

"Wolves honor." She promised.

"He tried to kill himself." The words made me want to throw up. The thought of never meeting him made me sick.

"OH MY GOSH! You kidding!" Her jaw dropped.

"No. I saw the scar. They had to stitch up his wrist! He almost died." I told her.

"Wow. Are you sure he just wasn't overrating?" She asked.

"He wasn't. She promised to never give up on him, only to abandoned him again and again. It's sad really." My heart dropped and just the thought of him being treated that way.

"You never would have guessed. He always seems like such a strong guy. And just to think: we could have lost him and no one would have known what was happening." She shook her head.

"As much as the people in this town seem to deny it, they need him."

"We would all be dead." She added. There was a moment of silence before she went on. "Who knew Belle was so dangerous behind closed doors."

Everything fell silent for a long time before my phone rang. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear your voice honey! Your father and I miss you." It was my mom. One of the few good things in my life before I left. "I know that you went to get a new start, but I was wondering if we could come and see you."

"Mom," I began. Ruby busted out laughing. "I re.."

"Great. Send me an address, and we will leave tomorrow morning!" My mom cut me off.

"Ok, I'll text you it."

"Hon, have been crying."

I wiped the water from my eye. I had been crying a bit. "I'm fine. I will see you soon, bye. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up the phone. "My parents are coming!"

"To town? What are you going to tell them about magic, about the names, about you boyfriend that is over 300 years old. Wait.. about the way he looks?!"

"Ugh, Ruby! I'm dead. I guess I'll tell them the truth."

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