Chaptet 2

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What was she talking about? I thought she left me last night. "Excuse me dearie?"

"They said I couldn't go home alone because I tried to kill my self. Please let me go with you. I can't stay here!" She pleaded.

The way she just admitted that she had tried to kill her self made my skin craw. Why would she do something that this?

Then she started to cry. "Please."

The nurse just looked at me. She was going to let a young girl go with a man she barley new. "Fine. Get your things."

Your POV

When we got to the house I went to get my things of of the trunk of his car.

"Here. I will take that." His hand grazed mine as he snatched the bags from my hand

We went into the house and he led me to a bed room. "This will be your room. The bathroom is across the hall and there is food in the kitchen. I assume you can find your way around downstairs?"

"Yes." I bit my lip nervously.

He nodded, took a second to look at me, and headed for the door.

"Thank you." I muttered.

He froze in his place slowly turning around. "Um, I'm going to have dinner in a couple hours." He paused, "Your welcome to join me if you would like." I admired the way he moved his hands when he talked

"I, uh, would like." I stumbled over my words. He spoke formal. I guess he was quite a bit older than me.

I took a shower and changed it to skinny jeans, boots and a sweatshirt.

When I came downstairs around it was around six. Mr. Gold was in the kitchen making supper.

I sat down at the small table right outside the kitchen. He walked over placing the food on the table.

"What is your first name?" I broke the silence.

"You can call me Gold."

"That's your last name."


Hum. He was odd. I didn't know what to say. I just kept eating.

Gold's POV

I could hardly think. A beautiful woman sat across from me, and I had barley said half a dozen words to her. I couldn't talk. I watched her delicate hands as she ate. I thought she was beautiful, but I couldn't tell her.

Your POV

When we finished I went into the living room and Gold put our dishes in the dish washer.

I got down on the floor and opened his DVD cabinet. Then I let out a gasp. It seemed like he had all of the fairytale movies ever.

"What's the problem dearie?" I heard his Scottish accent as he entered the room.

"You have so many movies!" I picked one up. "Watch one with me. Please!"

He looked at me for a moment before agreeing and sitting down on the couch. I put the movie in then sat down on the cushion next to him with a blanket over my legs.

"Rumplestiltskin?" He read the screen. His face went pail.

"We don't have to watch this one." I offered.

"No, no. It's fine."

The hole way through the movie he was muttering things to himself and rolling his eyes.

One time I did manage to pick up on what he said. "This is not how it goes."

"It isn't?" I questioned.

His face turned red. That obviously wasn't something he meant for me to hear. "I just don't find it very realistic."

"It's a fairy tale. Is it suppose to be realistic?" I yawned.

"I suppose not."

I dozed off about half way through the movie. It wasn't every late, but I had been through a lot.

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