Chapter 13

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Jefferson and I continued to go on dates. One morning we where walking to Granny's when it started raining. It was a complete down pore.

The rain had become something that reminded me of Jefferson.

We didn't have the umbrella that day. He grabbed my hand and we ran. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to cry. Jefferson started laughing, the rain soaking us.

It started to thunder. "Crap! We have to get in somewhere!" Jefferson shouted over the rain. He pulled on every door we passed. Finally one opened. The bell above the door rang as we stepped in, laughing and soaking wet.

He pulled me into a hug and I looked around the shop. It was Rumple's shop!

Rumple's POV

I heard the bell ring and laughing. Laughing of all things. I rolled my eyes as I stepped out from the back room, "How can I help you?"

Then I saw her. The beautiful girl who had stayed with me. I hadn't seen her since the... karaoke. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Hey Rumplestiltskin!" Jefferson broke the silence, "It's raining pretty hard. Is it ok if we chill in here until it slows down."

I nodded. "Why don't you two come back and sit by the fire?"

Your POV

I wasn't so sure about this. Being in that back room again didn't seem like a good idea. Rumple didn't even seem as confident as usual.

"Ya, thanks." Jefferson gave a smile.

We went to the back room and sat down in front of the fire. Rumple went upstairs to get towels.

"You ok?" Jefferson asked after Rumple was gone.

"Uh, ya. I'm fine." I answered.

"Are you sure? You seem a bit off."

"No. I'm fine." I gave a reassuring smile.

Then Rumple came back downstairs. He handed us each a towel, and then he went and sat on the couch.

I looked around the room. I had spent so many afternoons here. I looked over and at Rumple. He was sitting on the couch reading a book. I focused on the cover. Little house on the prairie.

'That isn't something he would read. Belle probably asked him to read it. I know they have been thought a lot, but she obviously doesn't know him.' I thought to myself.

My phone buzzed, bringing me out of my head. I read the text: are you sure your ok. If you stare at Mr. Gold any harder you might burn a hole though that book -Jefferson. I looked back over at Him.

I felt my face burning red. I texted him back: just trying to see what book he is reading.

Jefferson: just ask him

Me: I don't want to interrupt

Jefferson: ok

I put down my phone and relaxed in my chair. I remember all the good times I have had since I came to Storybrook. I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes Jefferson was gone. I looked around the room for him.

Then I heard a thick Scottish accent, "He went to the restroom dearie."

I looked over to the couch, where Rumple still sat. He was still focused on that book. I stood up and began to walk towards him. 'Stop. Go back!' I screamed in my head, but I kept going.

I sat down on the couch next to him. I made sure to leave a couple inches between us.

Careful Dearie 1 (Rumple x reader)Where stories live. Discover now