Chapter 42

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Rumple's POV

I walked into my shop, expecting to see my lovely wile, y/n, standing at the front counter, but she wasn't. "Y/N, dear. Where are you?"

She walked out of the back room with the most guilt look on her face I have ever seen. "Hi Rumple."

"Did you break something?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, but i think you will be more upset about what I broke it on." She gave me a nervous smile.

"What happened?"

"I kinda broke it against Malcolm's head."

I pressed my lips and closed my eyes, "I'm sorry. I thought you just said you broke something against my father's head."

She walked into the back room, and a followed. When I walked in I saw Peter Pan on the ground, passed out. "Wow, y/n. This isn't good." We both looked down at his lifeless body.

"I told you."

"Why did you do this?"

"He was mocking me."

"You can't just knock people out whenever they make you mad."

She looked up at me and raised an eye brow, "Rumple."


"What would you have done?"

Your POV

I smirked, I knew I had won. He just pressed his lip. "What now?"

"I was hoping you could help."

"How long had he been out?"

"About thirty minutes."

"He will be coming to soon." Rumple waved his hand. Malcom was instantly tied to the heavy table in the middle of the work shop. I also noticed a black cuff on his wrist.

The Magic must have snapped something in him, because Malcom woke up. The boy laughed, "Nice to see you son. We need to talk, without the witch though."

"Witch! Do you just call me a witch!?"

He just smirked. I watched Rumple grit his teeth, honestly I always found it kinda cute. "Please step out of the room dear. I'm sure the girls would love some attention."

Reluctantly I went upstairs.

Rumple's POV

As soon as my wife was upstairs I took a seat in one of the chairs, still towering over my father. I held my cane in a way, that showed I wasn't afraid to crush his scull with it, if need be. "What is so important?"

"You won't believe what I've found Rumple!"

"Don't call me that papa." I grinded that last word in. I wanted it to sting on a bit.

"I have found a way to..."

Your POV

After I went upstairs I started nursing the codling my daughters. Then I heard yelling, and lots of it. I wanted to go downstairs and calm him down, but I didn't want to intrude. Rumple had asked me to leave. What if it was something personal. He would tell me when he was ready.

Soon enough Rumple came and got me. "You can come back down now dear." He smiled softly at his daughters in my arms. "You know, they both look just like you."

I looked down at the identical twins that lay in my arm squirming and cooing. "They have your eyes."

He walked over and looked at them, "I've noticed. The poor girls. My eyes look like portals to the underworld, or so I've been told."

"Lies. They are beautiful. Even when you are angry or very focused, and they go black. Actually that's my favorite." I smiled up at him.

"You know, my son had my eyes."

It kinda spooked me, him bringing up his son like that. Bealfire wasn't really something we talked about. I mean, I know the story. Rumple just didn't bring him up. "He must have been a beautiful boy."

"Yes, that he was. A strong one, as well. I'm sure my daughters will both be as well." He touched Abby's head softly and smiled.

Only one important thing happened over the next week. I decided what to do with the bean. I was going to grow it. If I was destined to find the kingdom I would, and that was that.

I had asked Rumple to watch the girls, and that I had to go do some things. I went strait to Regina's office.

"Regina, are you here?" I knocked on the door.

"Yes." She grumbled.

I opened the door, and walked towards her desk, closing the door behind me. When I reached her desk I sat the ring box in front of her. "I have something for you."

"What is this?" She gave me a disgusted look.

"It's a.. just open in." I motioned to the box.

She popped it open and gasped, "How did you get a magic bean?"

"Inheritance. I want to plant it, so we can have easy access between the worlds."

Regina picked it up and rolled it in her hand, "You are aware that this is enchanted, and if you plant it, you loose its enchantment?"

"I'm aware. I don't care."

"Okay, I will get the dwarves right on this."

I started for the door, "Oh, and please don't tell Rumple."

She only nodded.

I'm going to church camp this week. I will not be posting for a bit. The soonest I will post chapter 43 will be Friday. I'm sorry. I love you all. Bye for now

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