Chapter 22

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I knew I could trust Rumple. He wouldn't, no couldn't hurt me. I paced back and forth in my apartment. I wanted to go see him, but he told me not to. Ugh. It was driving me crazy not being able to see him.

I was decided. I slipped on my jacket and headed to the pawn shop.

I swung open the door excepting to have to give him all the reasons I was going to be here for him, but instead there was someone else in there. I looked back. The closed sign was up. Ugh, people in this town. The woman had light blonde hair and fair skin. She wore a tan cloak that went all the way down to her knees, it was lined with fur, and it had a hood. She also had a bag with a strap that went around her chest.

"Didn't you see the closed sign dearie!" He snapped at me.

Why was he being so cold to me? "Rumple, what's going on?"

The woman turned around to look at me. Her soft yellowish eyes locked with mine and a grin slowly formed on her lips, "Rumple? This must be your girlfriend. She is quite young, don't you think?" She walked up and placed a hand on me cheek.

"Please, just leave her out of this." He pleaded.

"I would, but you see," She sold her hand down around my throat. I tried to push her away, but her grip tightened. "if you won't give me what I want I'll have to make you."

"You wouldn't." Rumple challenged.

"Your right, I wouldn't kill her. Not here at least. I would do this though." With her free hand she reached into sack on her back, and pulled out a hand full of... sand?

"No!" Rumple rad towards us, but he was too late. She threw the sand at my face. Then everything went black.

Rumple's POV

Sandy, (yes I know, cheesy name) is the sand woman. She rules over all sleep lands. It seems she wanted a bit more then that. She had come to me for a very powerful fairy wand. I told her I wouldn't give it to her unless she could guarantee safety to me and two others. She had refused.

When y/n came in Sandy quickly figured out who she was, and was using her for leverage. She threw her sleeping sand at her. Y/N inhaled some, and was laying on the floor unconscious.

I ran up and knelt on the ground next to her for the second time this week. "What have you done!?"

"You know exactly why I've done. She's under a sleeping curse. I'll wake her up when I get that wand or..." She tilted her head to the side.

"Sandy! That was a long time ago. I've obviously moved on. I suggest you should do the same!"

"Oh please, she's just a child. She'll move on before the next curse. Not to mention a mortal. Are you listening to me? She's going to die!"

I didn't care that she was mortal, but she was quite a bit younger then me, "Do you think she's too young for me?" I asked still on the ground with y/n.

"How old is she anyway?" Sandy asked.

"Twenty nine." I barely got the words out of my mouth.

Sandy laugh, "Yes! Like I said, she's a child. To be honest she's probably only with you for the money."

She was right. I had been hurt too many times to go through this again. I loved y/n, but she probably didn't love me. "I need to go into her dream. You are going to help me."

"And why would I do that?" Sandy snickered.

"We can go back to the dream realm, and when my business with her is over you can send her back. I will stay with you." I agreed.

The Enchanted Forest many years ago

"Are you sure this will work? I can just create you a new castle, much grander then this." Sandy walked into me work room.

"I want my castle, and all of my things." I picked the orb off the table and walked over to her, "Yes, I'm sure." I threw the orb on the floor. The entire castle went up in a poof of magic.

When it fell Sandy gracefully ran over to the window, "The dream world! We have made it. Rumple! I can't believe you where able to get your entire castle back here!" She ran over to me and kissed my cheek.

Modern day Storybrook

"Okay Rumple, are you ready?" Sandy asked me as she walked back into my shop.

"Yes, I am. I gathered all of objects. They are on the counter." I pointed to one of the display cases.

"Is this all of them?" She picked the things up.

"Yes, just bring them here." I held out a hand for the things. The other I placed on y/n's cheek. "I'm coming for you no matter what you say. I will save you."

"Calm down Romeo." Sandy placed something in my extended hand.

"Who?" I looked up at her.

"Never mind. She can't hear you anyway." She is rolled her eyes. "Okay, let's get this show on the road."


"Let's begin." She pulled her sack off her back. "Now just pour that in here, I'll do the rest."

I did as she said. "Now, a hair." She plucked a hair from y/n's head. "You may want to lay down so you don't hurt that precious head of yours."

I rolled my eyes as I got comfortable leaning against one of the display cases. "This will be fine. Just go ahead and get it over with."

"Okay, but don't go anywhere once you are there. I will come as soon as I can. I can't risk you getting lost. Since it's not your dream I won't be able to find you."

"Alright jus.." she threw the dust in my face.

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