Chapter 33

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Two weeks later

My family started arriving. My cousins, and their kids came first. There where a were remarks about how nice the place was, and his accent. Then my grandparents. My mom's mom wasn't impressed. She let me know that he was too old for me, but I just smiled. Then my aunts and uncles, and siblings (a sister and two brothers) My parents where already there. We got everyone sat down as soon as we could and served dinner.

We had decided to have it at his cabin. It's nothing like you think. It actually like a small mansion. He told me they could all just stay there.

He was being so great, but I knew he still had a temper. That scared me a bit, but I knew we could do it.

We sat down and my dad prayed for everyone. Then the questions came.

My cousin, Lindsay, went first, "So, how long have you two been together."

"That's a bit complicated." I started, "He was in a bad accident and in coma for a few years."

Gasps went off around the table.

"He's fine. We are fine." I assured everyone.

"How cute." My aunt Sheri commented.

I blushed a bit and he smirked at my embarrassment.

"How did you meet?" My uncle Tod asked.

I looked over at my grandma, who was staring at me hard. Nope, not me, him. "The first time we met was at a bar actually."

"He's a drinker!" My Grandma Betty's eyes flew open wide.

"Not usually. There were special circumstances." He half smiled.

"What kind?" Grandma Betty went on.

"I had been in a fight with my fiancé." He admitted.

"Hum." Betty glared.

"Did you leave her for y/n?" My cousin Alex took a turn.

"She left me. Y/N and I didn't start dating until later."

"So, how did you pop the question."

Finally an easy question. I answered, "He invited me to his shop and asked there."

"You own a shop?" Sheri asked.

"Yes. I'm a pawn broker, and procurer of unique items." He answered.

"Is that how you got enough money for this house?" One of my cousins kids asked.

"Yes, that and investing in places around town." He almost smiled.

"Do you just go by Mr. Gold all the time, or do you have a first name?" My uncle Brad asked.

Rumple looked at me I shrugged. "Well, its rather odd, Rumplestiltskin." He rolled his r's the way I love.

"Really?" Multiple people asked.

"When do you plan to have children." Betty spoke up.

I felt panic rush my body. I didn't really want anyone to know about my injury. I definitely didn't want my grandmother to know Rumple was driving when it happened. "Um.."

"I don't want kids. I'm well past my child raising years." He cut me off, and came to my rescue. He held my hand in his comforting me.

"Really!?" Betty was getting angry. "Just because you don't want children you are going to deprive my granddaughter of having some?"

"No grandma, it's fine. We decided together."

I sat on the couch flipping through channels. Rumple had gone to upstairs hours ago, probably to get away from it all. Everyone else had gone to bed shortly after. My bedroom was on the first floor so I could stay up as late as I wanted.

My sister, Rachel, came downstairs. She is two years younger then me, so we are really close.

"So, tell me about him." She sat down next to me.

"I already did."

"Not the crap you told them. I want to know about the real him."

I smiled and turned off the TV. I looked and her, "He was married before, but the woman left him and his son. His son died a few years ago though. I never met him. He has a really short temper, and it's cute... sometimes."

She laughed.

"Do you believe in magic?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well, this town, it has magic. All these people came from another world."

"Your kidding."

"No, really. Rumple, he's really good with magic, really powerful. His magic has some things with it. It's dark magic, and everyone is afraid of him. He's not a bad guy though. He really isn't. He's funny and nice. He always makes me smile. He may be older then me, but we have true love together."

"That's deep." She laughed.

"Hello dear and..." Rumple walked in. "My apologies, I don't remember your name."

"Rachel." My sister smiled, "No big deal. You have had a long day."

"You have no idea." He was referring to the no magic rule. "I guess I'll be going."

"Why did you come down here?" I asked.

"To spin," he motioned to the spinning wheel in the corner. "but it seems this room is being used at the moment." He smiled.

"You can go ahead if you want Rumple." I offered. I could tell he was stressed, and needed to unwind, "I told her about magic."

He looked at her uneasy for a moment. "Okay."

"So, what's so magical about spinning wool?" My sister asked watching him make his way to the spinning wheel.

"He doesn't." I said quietly. "He spins straw into gold."

"Like the movie!" She answered quietly back, "Why are we being so quiet?"

"So, we don't disturb him."

She nodded and we watched as he fed the first piece of straw through.

She gasped quietly as the straw came out as gold.

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