Chapter 28

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Regina and I ran to him. She got there first, embracing him in a hug. When he let of her she stepped back "I- I missed you." Tears rolled down her face.

"I missed you too Regina. Then he looked at me, "I missed you too."

I ran up to him pressing my lips against his with force. He kissed me back for a moment before pushing me back. I instead wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Now, did you talk to Miss. Swan?" He asked.

"Yes obviously. I'm here." Regina groaned. Oh great, they are back their usual selves.

"Yeah, should I call her?" I asked.

"Yes. Get her over here as soon as possible . I need to talk with her."

I pulled out my phone and held it up to my ear that wasn't pressed against his neck.

"Hey y/n. Are you headed down here?" Emma asked.

"No. He is here. You need to come down here now!"


"Yah. I hugging him right now!" I answered.

In a matter of minutes Emma was there. She walked in side and Rumple immediately ushered her off to his office. They where in there for about 15 minutes. There was yelling about safety of people and such.

While they where still talking the phone rang. I picked it up and heard a Dr. Whale, "Mr. Gold is gone!"

"Yeah." I answered calmly. "He is talking to Emma right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry about not believing you yesterday."

"Umhm." I really wanted to yell at him but, I decided it was probably better if I didn't. "It's fine. I've go to go." I hung up and walked over to Rumple and Emma who had just came out of his office.

"Well, I'm going to the library to talk to..." Emma trailed off.

"I'm going to see if I have anything to stop her." Regina grabbed her coat.

"Bye Gold, bye y/n." Emma walked out the door.

"Bye." Regina walked out close behind her.

"Bye!" I called after them. Rumple only nodded.

After they left Rumple turned to me, "I love you, and I missed you so much."

"I love you too."

He held my face in his hands, and I held onto his wrists. He tilted his head just slightly and smiled. Rumple started crying. "I'm so sorry for leaving you."

"It's fine. I was fine. I mean I missed you, but I was fine. It really wasn't that bad. I missed you, but..."

He chuckled at my babbling. "I know it was hard. I saw."


"Your dreams."

I guess I never really thought about that he could get to my dreams. Oh my gosh! No!

Dream world 2.5 years ago
Rumple's POV

I got a weird feel, like something was wrong. I got up from my bed in Sandy's castle, and went downstairs. "Sandy, I'm going for a walk."

"If you must. Be back here before dinner or else." She warned.

I knew that 'or else' meant hurting y/n. I nodded and walked outside. I continued to a hidden room, that I had found last time I was in the Dream World with Sandy.

It was a small dark room with a door at the other side of it and a small control table. I walked up to the table and dialed. Then walked through the door.

It was y/n's dream. She was sitting on the floor in a big empty room... crying.

I walked up to her knowing she would forget all this in the morning. Those ore the rules: if someone in the Dream World is in your dream you forget it. Unless they area figment of you imagination, not the actual person.

I knelt down next to her, "Hi dear."


"Yes." I pressed the back of my hand on her soft cheek.

She slowly stood up, "Why did you leave me? I'm dying! I can't do this..." she sniffled, "alone."

I hugged her, "I love you. You can do it."

Then I was sucked out of the room. She cried for me, but the dream was to powerful. I was taken away from her again.

Modern day Storybrook
Your POV

"Why don't we go to Granny's?" Rumple asked.

"Don't you think that's a little risky. I mean, Sandy is probably looking for you."

"I made a deal with her. I have the whole day. She won't bother us until midnight tonight."

It seemed like such a short time, but I would take what I get. Wait... "What was the deal?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about. Let's go to Granny's." He gave me a reassuring smile.

I nodded, and he took my hand. We walked out to his car, witch I had left in the driveway. He sat in the driver's side, and I sat in the passenger's. It was just like it had been before, but it wasn't.

He looked tired and his hair had more grey then it was before. I slightly smiled at his smile. He pulled out of the driveway.

Archie's POV

I was walking pango when I saw Gold's Cadillac coming down the road. Y/N had been driving it sense her mishap at the hospital.

I looked up and smiled, but y/n wasn't driving. I couldn't quite make out who it was. It looked like Mr. Gold. No, couldn't be. I needed sleep.

Your POV

Rumple parked and we got out and walked up to Granny's. Rumple held the door open and I walked in. He walked in behind me and everything went silent.

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