Chapter 11

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Gold's POV

I sat my elbows on the table and my head in my hands."Belle."

"Did you know about that?" She glared at me.

"Yes, of course."

"Why didn't you tell me. Why didn't you stop me!?" She wined

"She didn't want anyone to know. It was a privet affair. It was hers to tell. None of our business!"

"I'm going home Rumple." She walked out of the room.

Your POV

I heard a knock on the door, "Are you ok dearie? She didn't know."

"It-it's fine." I wiped the tear from my face as he walked in.

He sat on the edge of my bed, "Belle was just trying to be nice."

I moved and sat by him, "I know. I'm just having a hard time."

He handed me a tissue that had appeared in his hand. "If you ever... need anything," he seemed to be struggling, "I'm here." He put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

With a wave of his hand we where in the living room. The TV was on. Peter Pan flashed across the screen.

"Peter Pan?" I read aloud.

He laughed a bit, "My pa pa."

"Who's your mom? Tinker Bell?" I laughed.

He scoffed, "No, the Dark Fairy. She wasn't much of a mother thought. She abandoned me as a babe."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I think it hurt less knowing she left then what my father left me. He choose eternal youth over me." He forced a laugh. A tear ran down his face.

I thought of the other things he had told me about his past. It's all betrayal. He never had anyone who really loved him, except Balefire, his son. His son couldn't handle the darkness though. I, on the other hand, can. I'm so depressed I'm used to the darkness.

Gold must have noticed I was deep in thought, "Are you ok dear?"

"Maybe, maybe we could help each other."  I whispered so he couldn't here.

He closed his eyes and sunk down into the couch, "That's a lovely idea."

I could feel my face heating up. I closed my eyes enjoy the company, listening to the TV.

We where only about ten minutes into the movie before Rumple started mumbling things about the movie like he always did. I laughed at him.

"This is a very poor representation of my father. He is, the no means, a hero." He scoffed.

"I believe you." That's the last thing I remember before I dozed off.

I woke up and looked up at the clock: 6:24. "Crap!" Belle would be here any minute. I didn't want her to see me cuddling on the couch with her fiancé. Even if we where just friends, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go over well.

I woke up Gold, "What time is it?" He groaned.

"6:25!" I ran up the stairs. When I looked down I was in a new outfit, and I had the slight taste of mint in my mouth. I looked back down at Gold. He was in a fresh suit, and I could smell breakfast.

He smiled up at me. "Magic."

Then there was a knock on the door. It slowly opened and Belle walked in. She gave me a smile, "Y/N! I'm so sorry about last night."

"It's fine." I said half heartedly.

We all went to the kitchen. Belle and I sat at the bar and Gold stood on the other side. We talked about the wether and such. Then they both left for work.

After I was sure they where out of sight I went outside and started walking to the animal shelter. I need a job, and I'm good with animals.

When I got there I filled out a paper. Then next day I got a call saying I got the job. I didn't tell Mr. Gold thought. I always left after him and got back before him. So it was easy to keep on the D.L.

It was just over a week and my job had been going very well.

I sat down at the dinner table and food appeared in front of me. I jumped a bit. Getting use to being in a house with constant magic was taking some time.

We started eating in silence. We just ate. Normally there would be talking, but nothing.

"I'm moving into an apartment tomorrow." I said between bites.

Belle and Gold just froze and starred.

"What?" I questioned.

"It's just, you have been living here for a wile. It's a bit sudden, don't you think?" He looked confused.

"I have been working for over a week. It's not sudden." I was a bit annoyed. I'm not sure why.

"Oh, I see. May I ask why your are moving out?" He asked sadly.

"I'm just ready to be on my own again." I lied. The truth was I was no where near ready to be on my own. I knew that if I was in my own I would probably become more depressed and go back to where I was before. I had to leave, I was falling for Rumple.

I didn't want to. He was engaged to my friend! It was probably just because he had taken care of me. He was so nice to me. No one had been that way to me before.

"Well, you can call me if you need anything." He forced a smile.

"Me too." Belle followed up.

The next morning I went to my new apartment. When you walked into it there was a large room. To the left was the kitchen and to the right was a small dining table with four chairs. The other half of the room was the living room. There was a hall with two bedrooms and bathroom.

I walked over and sat down in the couch. I was alone for the first time in such a long time.

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