Chapter 8

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My head was spinning. I threw up.

Gold waved his hand and everything was clean. "We had a deal I believe."

It took me a second to regain my steadiness on my feet before answering, "Yes. I suppose that was proof."

I couldn't get my balance and Gold helped me get to a nearby bench. I winced when he touched me. I had read his story and I didn't know wether to be afraid or not.

"No need to be afraid dearie." He said helping me onto the bench.

It was like he could read my mind. I nodded. "So, am I going to be sick every time we travel that way."

He gave me a sympathetic look. "Only the first couple times. You'll get use to it."

We sat on the couch for our evening movie. Tonight was different though. I sat on the other end of the couch.

When he came to sit down I was already at the other end.

"Are we not sitting together tonight?" He questioned as he sat down at the other end.

The next word where very hard to say, and they where bitter, "I don't think Belle would like that."

He slowly looked up at me, "Belle is just a ex."

"Is she engaged to someone else already?"

"Oh, you noticed that. I thought she would take remove it when we broke it off."

I scooted over and sat next to him and rubbed his back trying to confront him.

I rolled over and rubbed my eyes. The sun leaked in through the window in my room. I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day and then I went downstairs.

There was a note on the frigid,

Dear Y/N,

   I had some business to take care of this morning. I had to leave early. There is breakfast on the counter. If you do decide to go out please be careful. I will be home at noon.


I looked up at the clock


Gold would be home any minute. I pulled the cookies out of the oven and put them on the counter. I was still completely exhausted from my injuries from the reck. Not to mention how hard things where with a broken arm.

Then I heard the door swing open.

"I'm in the kitchen Gold." I yelled.

Then I heard a a female voice. "Cookies?"

Belle came running to the kitchen as fast as she could in four inch heels and a mini skirt. Gold wasn't far behind.

"Sorry for the surprise Y/N." He looked at me smiling.

Careful Dearie 1 (Rumple x reader)Where stories live. Discover now