Chapter 26

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"This is a sick trick!" I yelled at him. He didn't react. I shook him, "Rumple! Quit it now!" My screams quickly faded crying. "R-Rumple. Ple-please. I c-can't do-do this alone."

I snuggled up next to him. "I hate you."

3 years later

I had been three years since Rumple left. He had been in the hospital in a 'coma'. The doctors didn't believe me about Sandy. Actually no one did, that is except Ruby. I had been on a few dates, but none of them turned out very well. I visited him once every few months. I couldn't go any more often because it always made me 'sick' the next few days after.

That morning I woke up and remembered what today was. The three year anniversary of Rumple leaving. I got up and took a shower.

After I got out I put on a new dress I had bought to go and visit him in. I bought a new one every year.

I went to the mirror and read the letter again, like I did every day. I wiped the single tear from my face and put on my makeup. I slipped on the white heels I bough. I didn't eat because I had felt sick since I got up, probably because of what day it was.

I walked out to the garage, I had been staying in his house since he left. He had left me a set of keys before he went to sleep. I walked in and tilted my head at the sight of the old Cadillac. I hadn't touched it since last year. I unlocked it and got it. I put the key in and started it up.

I pulled up to the hospital and got out. No one talked to me as I walked through the waiting room and past the nurses station. I walked up and grabbed the knob to room 209 and turned the handle. I walked in and screamed. A nurse came running in.

"Where the heck is he!? He sure isn't here! Why would you move him! You knew I was coming! What didn't you tell me when I walked right past you?!"

"I uh," her farce what pail as the walls, "I don't know."

"You don't know? You don't know! How do you not freaking know! You are the nurse in charge of him!" I shoved her out of the way and went to the hallway. I spotted Dr. whale. "Hey! Where is Rumple!"

"Hum?" He looked up from his clipboard.

"Rumple, Mr. Gold, Rumplestiltskin, what ever you wanna call him! Where is he?!"

"He's in his room Miss. l/n."

"No he isn't!"

"I assure you, he is. We have people all around this hospital. If he had woken up the machine would have go off." He put a hand on my shoulder, "I know this is a very hard time of the year for you, but I need you to calm down. I'm sure you just saw something. Our minds sometimes play tricks on us when we are most vulnerable."

"Just like when we where with Sandy, huh?" I shoved his hand off, "If you are so sure, why don't you take your happy butt in there. You can check for yourself!"

"Come on. Why don't we get you checked out?"

"I'm fine!" I ran into his room and he was laying there, motionless, like he always was.

I broke out in tears. "I hate you! Why do you do this to me! I just want to talk to you again! I love you!"

I was laying in my bed. I picked up my phone and the bright screen blinded me for a moment. When I could see it I looked at the time: 2:34.

I hadn't slept at all. After today who could expect me to. I tossed and turned. Then I heard the faint noise of the door to my room, the room that I had stayed in wile Rumple took care of me.

I rolled over to see a dark figure entering. I quickly sat up and began to scream, but the figure put its hands over my mouth. I breathed deeply trying to stay calm, when I smelled a smell I knew.

I put my hand on the hand and moved it away from my mouth, "Rumple?"

"Yes dear." He whispered in his thick Scottish accent. He climbed into bed next to me and pulled me into a hug. I quickly pulled him closer.

"This is the best hallucination yet." I whispered.

He pushed away from me. "What?"

"Your just a figment of my imagination. I'm okay with it though."

"I am so such thing."

"Rumple, you are in a coma. It was all my imagination."

"Dear, you must believe me. I'm real. Sandy has come back to town. She woke me up for a few minutes today to help her get ready for the attack. She woke me back up now to help her again. I need your help. I need you to tell sheriff Swan all about this. She won't believe at first, but you must believe me!" He begged. He was... crying.

"Okay." I looked at him. "Your right! There is now way my mind made up all those things!" I pressed my lips against his. He slowly kissed me back.

"I need to go dearest. Before she notices something's wrong!" He said.

I nodded. "I know." Then I noticed my cheek was wet. I looked at his face and there was a gash under his eye. "I love you. I will see you again soon." He kissed me again before getting up.

"I love you too."

He left. I was alone again. Just like I had been for the last three years.

I got up and put a coat on. I ran outside and got in his Cadillac.

I got to Emma and Killian's house, and knocked on the door.

Killian came to the door, "What could be so important at 3:15 in the morning?"

"I-I uh"

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