Chapter 30

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We at down on the couch. I snuggled up close to him, and he put his arm around me. It was quite and peaceful. I just closed my eyes and breathed in his sent.

"What movie tonight?" He asked smiling.

"Maybe not a Disney movie." I suggested.

"Wait, there are others. I thought it was only Disney."

I laughed, "I guess we need to find something else then." I got up and turned on the Xbox.

"What's that?"

"Oh, it-it's an Xbox. I bought it wile I was, um, staying here. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, but I'm still wondering what it is."

"It's kind of like... it's so you can do other things one your TV."

"Like what?" He had gotten up and was looking at the box.

"Like play games, and YouTube, and stuff."

He knelt down next to me, "Games?"

"Yah, when this is all over I'll teach you."

"I would like that."

I grabbed the controller and went back to couch. He came with me. I went to the YouTube page, "So, what were you thinking?"

"What would you like to watch?"

"Well, there was this one movie. It's a romance kinda thing though."

"Well if that's what you would like."

I kissed him. "I love you."

I picked the movie. It was about this guy and his wife died. There was another guy who gave him a ticket for a dance class and asked the first guy to go as his dying wish. It was so emotional.

When it was over I looked at Rumple, "What do you think?"

"Hum... it was good."

I laughed, "Really, you don't sound so sure."

He laughed back, "Did you like it?"

"The guy was cute."

He scowled at me for a moment, "Is that so?"

I nodded. "Yah, not as cute as you, but cute.

"Okay, if you say so. Are you hungry?"

"Yah, but I think we should just have microwaved meals. It's easier, and we can spend more time together."

"What is a microwave meal?"

"Com on." I stood up and extended a hand. He took it and stood up. "I have some in the freezer." I led him to the kitchen.

"Things sure have changed here."

"I'm sorry. It's just.." we stopped at the freezer.

"No, I like it."

I grabbed a couple of meals, "Really?"

He nodded, as I stuck the meals in the microwave and turned it on. "Yes dear. My home needed a woman's touch."

I smiled, and enjoyed the moment before continuing. "Okay, this will take a few minutes, so we can sit down."

He nodded and I climbed up on the bar stool. He stood on the other side of the counter.

"What time do you have to go back?"

"Midnight I'm afraid."

"Oh." I looked up at the clock, "It's ten fifteen already." I sighed.

"We still have a bit."

"I know, it's just the day went by so fast." I stared down at the counter.

He put his hand under my chin forcing me to look up, "Sandy will be defeated soon, and we can be together."

I started to cry, "You don't know that. It could take another three years."

"It only took that long because our heroes didn't know there was a villain to fight, but now they do. When her attach come Miss. Swan will be ready." He stood up and transformed into his Rumplestiltskin self, "And once again, the heroes will reign triumphant!" Then he went back to his normal self after one small giggle.

I laughed, "You always know just what to say, and how to say it." I hopped off my stool, walked around the counter and hugged him.

"I love you dearest."

We shared in a passionate kiss before we where interrupted by the beeping of the microwave.

"It's done?"

"It's done." I opened the microwave and handed him a meal and a fork, "Here ya go."

We went back to the couch and ate our food. He only questioned twice if it was actually safe to eat. When we finished we just sat and talked.

Too soon midnight rolled around. I walked him outside, where we were met by Sandy. I was getting dizzy. I stumble a bit.

"You should go back inside dear." He kissed me.

"I don't want you to go." I cried.

"Oh, how sad." Sandy threw some sand. Rumple and Sandy vanished before my eyes.

I fell to the ground. Not because of Sandy's magic, but because of having Rumple ripped from my grasp... again.

I walked back in the house, and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" Emma answered.

"Plea-please tell me you have something on Sandy."

"Oh, hey y/n. Actually we do. I suggest you come down here now."

"I'll be there a soon as possible." I hung up and ran to Rumple's car.

I sped down to the police station. If the sharif wasn't waiting on me I probably would have gotten a ticket. I pulled into the station and ran inside.

"That was fast. Are you okay?" Emma asked as I got inside.

"Yah. Why?"

"Your makeup."

I pulled out my phone and used it as a mirror. My makeup was a mess. Probably from crying so much when Rumple left. "Yah, um, Rumple went back with Sandy." I wiped another tear from my eye, "I'm fine. What was it that you have?"

"Sandy is planning an attach tomorrow, but she does have a weakness. She doesn't have any magic without her sand stuff. All we have to do it get it away from her. Witch is actually easier, because we can take her magic."I nodded. Then her phone rang, "Sorry, I've got'a take this."

She picked it up "Regina calm down... what!?... you are kidding... why would you do that?... I know... sorry.... yah... okay... um, actually, y/n is right here with me... bye."

"That didn't sound good." I commented nervously.

"It wasn't."

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