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Lil ole me: (Tiptoes in, gently sets down this imagine.) k love you bye. (Scurries away)

Woody's body ached as he leaned on the wooden door

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Woody's body ached as he leaned on the wooden door. He  frantically reached up and slid the metal cylinder lock  into it's holder, securing the door. They were finally inside the small shack but their nerves had yet to settle as cold sweat covered both of their bodies. AB's chest heaved rapidly. Her feet paced the hardwood floors, as she tried to wrap her head around the most recent events. They could've been killed. They were going to be killed but Woody, through the grace of God, saved them. In this moment, she knew she'd be forever grateful to that man...only, she was much too frazzled to express it now.

She stared at him in disarray as he slid down the door frame, trying to catch his breath, wincing in pain, occasionally. They were enveloped in darkness being that the shack had no electricity. Woody thought it best to keep it's living conditions to a minimum to reduce prying eyes.

He could still see her though. The moonlight that shone through the one window in the room, illuminated her skin giving her a blue tint, painting her with a much calmer demeanor than she actually possessed.

"C'mere." His voice trembled , as he tried to mask his own fear and adrenaline that pumped through his veins. AB stared at him with uncertainty before shuffling forward and slowly lowering herself closely, next to him. She tucked her dress under her thighs then crossed her legs at the ankle.

"Woody..." Her voice cracked as she fought back tears, biting her bottom lip. He instantly took her in his arms, resting her head on his chest. He caressed her untamed hair, holding her tightly.

AB instantly released her cries, as if his trembling touch had given her full permission to do so.  Her head remained on his chest but her free hand explored his face and torso , seemingly checking to make sure he was actually there. She gripped his soaked shirt, trying to pull him closer in a desperate attempt to feel as safe as possible. Woody held her just as tightly, trying to give and receive the same feeling.

"Shhh, it's okay. We safe now, I promise."  He whispered. His lips pressed against the top of her head. AB only nodded, trying to subdue her tears.

"You think I was gon' let somethin' happen to you? You crazy, woman." He tried to lighten the mood in the room. He lightly chuckled, "After all I been through to get you? You think I was gon' let them crackas mess that up? Shiiiiit."

AB let out a boisterous laugh, bringing her hand to her mouth to muffle it. Her laughs came to a halt as she smelled the copper scent of her flesh. Quickly looking down she was met with the crimson stain of blood.

"Oh my God! No, no, no Jesus, no." AB sputtered in disbelief, carefully inspecting Woody's abdomen to find the source of the blood. Woody sucked in air through his clenched teeth and let out a low groan as she lifted the fabric of his shirt away from the open wound.

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