Maybe I Deserve.(Finale)

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TW: mention of rape.

Woody strolled into the apartment around 2:30 AM. The lights were still on and the sound of the TV in their bedroom, met him at the door. He slipped his shoes off and went to the room to see Y/n sitting in the middle of the bed; used tissues surrounded her. Two duffle bags sat open and half packed on the floor. Woody frowned at the scene in front of him. He wasn't going to argue with her though. His friends were right, this had gone on long enough.

"Why you not sleep?"

"Why you care?" She sniffled, never taking her eyes off the television.

Woody sighed and began undressing making Y/n frown.

"Your room is next door remember?"
Woody chuckled and shook his head before taking his polo shirt off, leaving him in a tank top and his jeans.
"This is my room-Our room...and we need to talk." He said sitting at the foot of the bed.
Y/n shrugged and looked at her bags on the floor. Woody followed her line of sight then glanced back at her.

"You wanna leave?"
She shrugged, staring at the TV. She didn't want to but after a stern lecture from her sister, Y/n realized it wasn't about what she wanted anymore. She had to do what was necessary for the both of them. However, she was still trying to bring herself to verbalize her choices. She could be stubborn like that.

"That depends. How long are you going to keep punishing me for what I've done?...which I am, once again, sorry for."

"That could all end now if you promise not to step out on me again." Woody said in a serious tone.

Y/n scoffed, "says the nigga who stepped out on me, out of spite!"

Woody nodded his head and bit his lip. He knew she was looking for a nasty argument to make herself feel better but he wasn't giving her the satisfaction.

"Who said I cheated on you?" He asked, calmly. He watched her jump up from the bed and pace at the side of the bed.
"You! With your actions! Your phone buzzin' at 2AM, you go out every weekend to be with whatever hoe you seein' and comin' home late as hell smellin' like her!" She accused. She'd tried not to be bothered but she couldn't help it.

"So I'm cheatin' on you? You know that for a fact?" He quizzed. Y/n looked at Woody as if he had two heads.

"Naaaw I'm makin' shit up, Woody." She spat back sarcastically, throwing her hands on her hips. Woody chuckled and pulled his phone from his back pocket, tossing it on the bed near her.

"Well since you already know, it's no need to check my phone right?"

"Nope. I don't need to see her." Y/n crossed her arms and shrugged. Woody got up and made his way around the bed to stand in front of her.

"You right. You don't...cause it's nothin' to see. Y/n, listen to me and listen good: I. Never. Cheated. On you. Because when you truly love somebody, that's shit you jut don't do. I love you. " Woody frowned as he spoke emphatically, lifting her chin to make her meet his gaze. Woody hoped he was getting though to her. He continued, seeing her eyes gloss over with tears. Those three words weighed heavily on her shoulders; beating down on her with guilt.

"Despite the hell you done put me though, I still love you. And maybe I'm a fuckin idiot for stayin' but-"

Y/n cut him off, letting her eyes meet the floor. "No!, I'm the idiot." She plopped down on the bed, defeated.

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