Next Lifetime

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Shoutout to @mrsquamarshall for this idea!

"Dream a little dream of me..."

Aaron jolted from his slumber, trying to make sense of the recurring dream

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Aaron jolted from his slumber, trying to make sense of the recurring dream. His heart raced as he wiped the sweat from his face then looked to his side. She was still sleeping peacefully as if he hadn't just run a full sprint in  the bed. Aaron shook his head, wondering why he offered his bed to her for the night. They had a thing going but he didn't want her to get in the habit of spending the night. That's what her other dudes were for.

He threw back the covers, swinging his legs over the edge.

"That shit was too real." He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the bathroom to start his morning. He hadn't had a restful sleep in weeks but he still had business to take care of.

He inspected himself in the mirror. What he discovered made the hairs on his neck stand on end. A line of dried blood trailed from his nose to his top lip.

"The fuck?" As he leaned forward to get a closer look, he winced in pain, feeling a sharp twinge in his side. He quickly shot back up to look inspect his torso, noticing a large bruise just below his ribs.

"What the fuuuck?" He panicked to himself.

"Aaron?" He looked towards the bathroom door apprehensively. He didn't want her to see him like this. She'd told him to see a doctor about these dreams he was having but he thought nothing of them but this was a clear indicator that he'd let the dreams go on too long. The things that happened in his mind, were manifesting on him physically and he was a bit uneasy about it.

"You okay?" his situation, Anita, asked as she stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm..." He sighed. "Naw. This shit is crazy." he admitted showing her his bruised side.

"Oh my goodness! Aaron, what the hell?" She screeched.

"You tell me. Did you beat' my ass in my sleep?" He joked. She smacked her lips and chuckled.

"Stop playing. This is serious. You know what? My friend's a psychiatrist. She can help you."

" I don't need no shrink, Anita. I'm not crazy." He rolled his eyes.

"I never said you were! Speaking to a professional doesn't mean you're crazy. It just means you need a little professional guidance...and this is just to try to figure out why you're having these crazy dreams about backwoods parties and the KKK in...the 1900s? And look, now this. Yeah, I'm calling her TODAY!" Anita finalized. She turned on her heels and went back to his room.

Aaron sighed. He'd told Anita about the dreams, for the most part. He just didn't have the heart to tell her about the woman in his dream. he couldn't remember her name or keep the image of her face for too long after waking up– he never could but she was radiant. His heart always fluttered when she showed up. Even in reality, he was beginning to fall for this woman in his head. He knew she probably wasn't even real but the things she made him feel, were definitely concrete. She was the only good thing that came out of these nightmares. Waking up was always bittersweet because him holding her in his arms came to an end the moment he opened his eyes.

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