Snowed In

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"Got dammit! Left the damn..." Y/n trailed off with a huff of frustration as she got out of the car and walked across the parking structure to elevators that would take her back to her office. It never failed: whenever she was in a hurry, she was guaranteed to leave something important behind. This time, it was a stack of her cases that she vowed to review and organize over her extended Christmas break. She'd taken two weeks off and at least three days would be dedicated to reducing her workload so she could return to work, stress free.

She impatiently tapped her foot and bounced as the elevator took its sweet time reaching the tenth floor. She shuffled off the elevator and peered out of the large bay window that welcomed her. Flurries of snow were swirling around before falling to the ground. Y/n smacked her lips. She'd been keeping up with the weather and knew that a snow storm was coming. She was determined to be home before it hit.

"If I get caught in this storm, I'mma be pissed." She muttered as she hurried to her desk and sat in front of the still powered-up computer. The office was empty; janitors were relieved early due to the storm warning and her supervisor didn't even come in today. Y/n inspected her desk to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything else. A paper coffee cup. She dropped it into her trash can and tucked her files under her arm.

"Y/n? You're here awfully late." She shot up, erecting her spine and immediately froze. Y/n knew that voice. She knew that voice well. It made her thighs clench  together and goosebumps cover her skin.

She slowly turned around offering a tight lipped grin.

"Mr. McClain, I wasn't expecting you to be here." And she wasn't. Edward McClain  was her supervisor's supervisor. He ran the whole department and he ran it well; not to mention he had the female-dominated office swooning anytime he popped up, which was rare. Y/n couldn't stop her eyes from roaming as she took in his appearance; a burgundy suit– custom tailored, no doubt. The man could rock a burgundy suit with navy blue dress shoes that complimented the navy blue handkerchief that hung out of his pocket. Y/n fought back the urge to make any misleading facial expressions while he was looking directly at her but it was hard not to bite her lip.

"Well, I just thought I'd stop in. See how things were going. I was just reviewing some cases, making sure every thing was in order."

He spoke smoothly, slowly rubbing his palms together as he looked at Y/n. She could tell it was something of an absentminded gesture but damn if it didn't turn her on.

"Oh. Well, I was just heading out and you should too. That storm is coming fast." She informed. She was trying not to seem awkward. She wasn't sure if she was succeeding or not.

"You're right. I'll get my coat and we'll head out together." Y/n wanted to protest but she figured it'd be odd and a little out of place to tell her boss "no" to such a friendly gesture. However, Y/n couldn't share an elevator, much less 5 minutes worth of small talk, with that man– not after the things she'd fantasized about him. In the two years she'd worked there, they had done freaky things many, many times in her head.

She waited anxiously as he disappeared into the back office then reappeared, moments later, with a navy blue trench coat. Y/n was a sucker for a well dressed man. She found herself crossing one leg over the other and slightly squeezing her thighs to keep her composure.

"He know he can dress his ass off." She mumbled to herself, raising an intrigued eyebrow as he buttoned his coat then fished in his pocket for car keys.

"After you." He extended an arm, gesturing for Y/n to lead the way to their exit. Y/n tried her best not to be so stiff as she walked in front of him. She felt like he was staring a hole into her back but she couldn't muster up the courage to glance back at him.

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