Full House (Father's Day Special)

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A/n: he is a whole fuckin daddy in this picture, ok? My body...my body can NOT! Ugh! Anyway here's a late ass Father's Day short....cause I ain't shit 🤷🏽‍♀️. I ain't 'een got no excuse except...I was sleep on fatha's day lol. Yes, this is an extension of Half On a Baby cause I freakin love that one. I re-read it often y'all lol.

"Mommy, EJ is showin' me his chewed up food!" Y/n and Woody's 7-year old daughter, Eniya whined as she sat at the kitchen table with her 5 year-old brother, EJ. It was moments like this Y/n empathized with her own mother. This must've been what she and her brother were like when they were kids.

Y/n and Woody had been busy the past few years. Woody had written, produced and was now starring in his own TV sitcom (popular family show 3 years running), and Y/n was an acclaimed novelist. However, with their flourishing lives they'd managed to expand their little family by two. Y/n told Woody a second baby was an option after they were married but she should've known Woody was going to get her on their honeymoon. Technically, it was after they said "I do". EJ arrived 8 1/2 months after their wedding and three years later, their second son, Eli showed up on Y/n's birthday. He was by far the greatest birthday gift she'd ever received. Of course Woody joked about them having a joint birthday party with a Backyardigans birthday cake. Y/n wasn't opposed to it though. She rocked with "Uniqua & 'nem" as she called them.
Now, they had three beautiful children– all a perfect combination of Woody and Y/n. Well, Eli was the exception. He looked exactly like Woody but had all of Y/n's mannerisms which blew both of their minds.

"I'm not bothering her, mommy!" EJ hollered out. That definitely meant he was.
Y/n sighed, picking her 2-year old, Eli up off of the potty seat in the bathroom. She and Woody had been toilet training for about 2 weeks now and he was starting to get it- if you can count him having an accident THEN screaming "potty!", as progress.

She put him on her hip and stomped downstairs to the kitchen where her other two children were.
"EJ, that's disgusting. Chew with your mouth closed or get popped, you hear me?" Y/n threatened. The 5-year old quickly covered his mouth and nodded.
"And you..." she turned to Eniyah. "Ignore him. You know he only does it to get on your nerves." Y/n shook her head. She set Eli in his high chair and went to make him a plate of food as well.

It was 11:00am and Y/n was ready for everybody to take a nap, including herself. She'd been up since 8 in the morning getting the kids ready and preparing a lovely brunch for her husband. Today was Father's Day and she wanted to treat him to a nice relaxing day in. He worked so much on top of his fatherly duties and Y/n knew he needed this day of rest. She just hoped it went as smoothly as she imagined in her head. After the kids ate, they would all serve Woody brunch in bed. Y/n was surprised he was sleeping through all of his kids' noise.

Afterwards, they'd give him his gifts, go to her family's house and leave the munchkins there to give the couple some alone time. That's all Woody asked for and Y/n was more than happy to oblige.

"Alright mini-me's, everybody had enough to eat?"
"Yes." Eniyah and EJ said in unison.
"Alright, plates in the sink, wash your hands and theeen-"
"Go wake up daddy!" Eniya cheered. Y/n laughed and kissed her forehead.
"Yes, not so loudly though ok?"
Y/n and the children quietly walked into y/n and Woody's master bedroom. Y/n held a serving tray of his favorite breakfast foods and each child carried a gift they had for their dad.

"Good morning." Y/n said softly, sitting the tray on the unoccupied side of the bed. She waited for the food aromas to hit Woody's nose and watched his eyes flutter open then a smile slowly appeared on his face.

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