Boxes and Squares

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Would have been fish

Would have been meat

Would have been eggs

Would have been greens

Would have been milk

Would have been fruit

Would have been vegetables

Would have been soup

I...would've very good for you....

You are like a box/ full of everything we're not.

I'm tired of puttin' my stuff inside you
Trust, my love, my hair, my shoes.

I've got a mouth full of questions, baby. You got a box empty with my answers......

"Y/nnnnnnnn" The young woman rolled her eyes at the sound of Woody's voice. She'd just gotten back to her dorm from a 3 hour night class and the last thing she wanted to do was yet another favor for him, even though she most likely would do it anyway. She'd look into those eyes and and her answer was automatically yes even if her conscience told her 'no'.

"Whaaaat?" She whined, turning around to see him jogging down the hall towards her.

"C'mon man, why you actin' like that?" He chuckled at her annoyance.

"I'm not acting. I'm starting to regret telling you my schedule." She cut her eyes at him before turning around and opening her dorm door.

"Wooow, I thought we was friends." He held his chest pretending to be hurt.

Yeah, pretty sure friends aren't supposed to do what we do. She thought to herself and she unlocked her door. He and Y/n had been friends since the very first day of college. However it only took them a year to try some things out with their friendship...those things gradually became a routine weekend thing. Their friendship remained normal for a few months but for the past 4 months, Y/n had been doing some reevaluating, which kept her in her thoughts and snapping at Woody. He didn't mind though; he had grown quite amused with her attitude. She never kept it for long anyway. Woody always knew how to lift her spirits.

"You thought!!!" She exclaimed, tossing her backpack on the floor next to her bed. Woody laughed as he sat at the foot of her bed, patting the spot next to him.

"No." Y/n pouted and crossed her arms.

"C'moooon, I wanna talk about somethin'." He whined.

"Woody if it's about that bald headed lil' girl, I don't wanna hear it. Let. It. Go." Y/n used her finger to write the last three words in the air as Woody laughed, running his hands down his face.

"I can't, Y/n/n! I gotta have her."

"So what you askin' me for?" Y/n shifted her weight to her left leg, placing her hands on her hips. If they'd had this conversation earlier in their relationship and had she actually liked the girl, Y/n would've been all for helping him score but given their circumstances....

"I wanted to ask her out but I have no idea where to take her."

Y/n scrunched up her face and cocked her head to the side.

"So ask HER."

"No no noooo, it's gotta be a surprise." He shook his head like a defiant child.

Y/n sighed " You puttin' a whole lot of effort into this girl." she stated. Y/n had to admit she was a bit envious. She'd known Woody for 2 years and for 1 of those years, they'd been doing more than friendly activities. It was only natural that she'd felt something for him, more than friendship but she didn't have the gall to request more. She didn't want to take the chance of completely ruining what they had...whatever they had.
Y/n was in love with Woody. It was one of the reasons she went above and beyond to do things for him but she noticed her efforts were failing her. She only wished he'd come to his senses and realize that she was best for him, not these other girls who only threw themselves at him because he was a FAMU Striker. It wasn't just sex she could provide. She knew she could be food for his soul.

"I like her." A twinge of pain shot threw her chest.

"And I'm sure she likes you. You're in band AND a dancer. That don't get her panties wet enough?" She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes

"Why? You mad cause it get yours wet?" He teased, biting his lip while he reached out to slap her butt. Y/n almost choked on her own saliva, whipping her head around to glare at him with wide eyes. The comment pissed her off because it was true and his arrogant ass knew it.

"Get out." Y/n ordered making Woody laugh.

"I'm sorry. I'm just playin'. You need some sleep , you cranky as hell." He poked at her.

"You just irritatin'." Y/n complained, pushing him over so she could lay on her bed.

"Girl, I'm mothafuckin' excellent." He bragged, laying next to her. Y/n scoffed.

"Boy, stop." She snickered.

"Nope, you gon' help me?" He asked, pulling her into his chest. Her silence caused him to bury his face into her neck then bite down hard before kissing the sore area.

"Ouch! The fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Can you please help me?" He laughed.
She frowned at him for a moment before rolling her eyes. Why did he have to have such beautiful eyes?!

"Yes, Woody." She mumbled, giving in like she always did.

"Thank you." She could tell he was cheesing. With her face buried in her friend's chest, she softly smiled. Y/n was addicted to pleasing him even if it didn't grant her the happiness she truly desired. She cared about him so much, almost to a fault.

"Uh huh." The warmth from his body combined with the scent of his cologne, relaxed her muscles and simultaneously aroused her desires. She let her body mold into his, suppressing her lust because she refused to give him the satisfaction of having her tonight, not after the favor he asked of her. Although, at times it seemed like he was indifferent to their intimacy anyway. She sighed deeply, fully relaxing in his arms.

"That's right gon' to sleep, suga." He soothed, imitating the voice of a Black southern grandmother.

Y/n laughed out loud, "You know what-"

"Ok ok ok." Woody laughed. "I'll be quiet, now."

Y/n had already begun dozing off. Once Woody was sure she'd fallen asleep, he eased off of the bed and kissed her forehead before quietly exiting the room, locking the door behind him.

He smiled as he made his way to the elevator. He didn't know what he'd do without that girl.


"You a fuck nigga. You a fuck nigga that think he a good dude!"- Tasha from Insecure

This is all I thought about while writing this lol. It's been a minuuute. So let me just say.....


That's the good news the shitty news is that I'll be having surgery next month. Sooo that means, I'll be out of commission for my day job but I'll have more time to write and hopefully be healed enough to film. Ain't God Funny? Lol

Anywhoooo, I hope y'all like this lil thang thang. I'm trying to squeeze the little bit of juice I have left before my creativity is completely drained and I have to recharge lol. More updates this week.
Love love love ya'll! 😘💓💓💓

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