Keeping Up With The McClains: Dear Mama

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Y/n stirred in her sleep hearing talking and laughter from downstairs. She groaned and covered her head with her pillow.

"Ya'll couldn't wait another hour?" She mumbled to herself before throwing the covers off her body and lazily swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She did feel a bit more rested thanks to Woody taking the right last night and going to the babies whenever they cried. The four month olds seemed to be after Y/n and Woody's sanity. They cried at all hours of the night even after being fed, changed and cuddled. Some nights, Eden would cry just to see how long it took one of them to get to her and once she saw their faces, she'd smile and reach for them. For the first couple of months, Woody was emphatic about not liking either one of the twins. He'd suggested "putting them back where they came from" a couple of times and Y/n could only laugh at his foolishness.

Y/n got up and went to the bathroom, doing her morning routine; showering and moisturizing then throwing on a pair of olive green capris with a black tank top. She stood in the mirror, freshening up her havana twists when Woody came into the room with a bright smile. He immediately hugged her from behind, kissing her cheek and neck.

"Happy mother's day."

"Thank you, baby." Y/n blushed as Woody stared lovingly at her in the mirror. His hands were always so gentle when he touched her and she automatically leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"So..." He pecked her neck. "Today is your day. What would you like to do? You Queen for the day."

"I'm queen everyday, baby." She smirked, turning around in his arms. They shared a sweet kiss and Woody kissed her forehead. "When does your mom's flight get in?" She asked. Y/n insisted Rosetta spend Mother's Day with them but her flight was delayed. They were expecting her some time today though.

"Mmm delayed again with her connecting flight. Storms in Atlanta but she should be here tomorrow morning." Y/n pouted a little which made Woody smile. He loved that his wife and mother were so close.

"Don't be like that. Today is still about you. So, answer my question." Woody said, twisting from side to side with her in his arms.

"Today I waaaaant breakfast theeeeen I want my gifts"

Woody laughed and shook his head. There was no surprise with her. She knew he and the kids had gotten her Mother's Day gifts and she wasn't going to be humble about receiving them.

"THEN! I want the house aaaaall to myself." Y/n cheesed at the thought. Every Mother's Day was full of kids, and family which was the best chaos she could ask for but this year, she wanted to relax, REALLY relax and that meant no kids and no husband. Just Y/n.

"Okay." Woody grinned. "So we'll do all'at then I'll take the kids to your moms and we can-"

"No, no, no baby I mean I want the house AAAAALL to myself. No husbands allowed." She scrunched up her face in feigned regret. Woody's jaw dropped.

"You serious?"

"Yes." Y/n chuckled, pretending to pick lint from his beard to avoid eye contact. All he had to do was kiss her spot and lower those sexy eyes at her for her to change her mind but she was not faltering.

"You sure?" His voice got deeper as he lightly kissed her lips then her jaw.

"Cause I know somethin' that'll really relax yo' ass." He spoke into her ear, smacking her ass. Y/n's knees weakened as she shut her eyes tight, trying her damndest not to give in. They hadn't had much sex since the twins were born. With five kids and successful careers, you don't have a lot of free time to do adult things but she also needed to catch up on sleep before she fell out.

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