Still A Friend Of Mine

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"Girl, I'm trying to enjoy these last couple hours by myself." Y/n screeched into her phone as she sipped a glass of red wine. She checked the time on her phone which read 9:15pm.
Her best friend Reesa laughed on the other end.
"You a mess. You not worried about your precious baaaaaby?" She teased.
"Hell naw! He with his daddy, what I gotta worry about? I love Braylon with my whole heart but Woody could keep him an extra day if he wanted to ." Y/n laughed into the phone.
"and he usually wants to but he's gotta go to Atlanta for a while, for a movie." She continued.

Y/n and Woody had a rambunctious 9-year old son that they both loved dearly. They were great parents and were amazing at co-parenting but unfortunately, that's all the universe had in store for them. For the last 3-years of Braylon's life, Y/n and Woody were separated but they were free of any ill feelings; that was something almost all of their friends envied.
"Must be nice. " Reesa huffed.

"Girl, when Trey FEELS like getting his child, I can't drop TJ off at his house without us getting into some kinda dumbass argument. He get on my nerves! If TJ didn't love him so much, I'd push his ass down a flight of concrete stairs, shit. Collect all that lil' insurance money." Her friend ranted.
"Ree!" Y/n hollered in the phone, laughing as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm serious! You and Woody are a rarity. It's not too many couples that split up after 12 years and a kid and STILL be friends." Reesa spoke as if she were amazed.

Y/n shrugged, "I mean he was my best friend before we got together. That's kinda hard to just forget about you know? And if we didn't get along, he's an actor and I'm extra as fuck. We can pretend to like each other for Braylon's sake. It's not about us anymore; it hasn't been since we found out I was pregnant. Braylon needs both of us." Y/n and Woody were never really people who thrived off of drama. If they could come to a resolution for any issue, peacefully, they always made an effort to do so.

Besides, they'd had Braylon when they were young, Y/n being 19 and Woody, 20. If they didn't get on the same page with being parents, they'd pretty much be on their own, which was a recipe for disaster. Y/n didn't have the support of her parents and Woody's parents insisted they were helping him grown into a better man and father by limiting their assistance. Whether they were in love or not, the fact remained that they needed one another to raise their kid.

The line was quiet for a few seconds before a Reesa spoke.
"Man, if I put Trey stupid ass on 3-way, can you tell him what you just told me? Maybe it'll rub off on him." Y/n laughed but she knew her best friend was somewhat serious.
"I can't with you. Let me go answer this door. I know it's Woody knocking like he done lost his mind."

"Alright, hun. Tell my godson I said hey and I love him!"
"Yup, love ya, sweetie." Y/n said before ending their call. She took one more sip of her wine and went to the back door to let Woody and Braylon in.

She opened the door and instantly smiled. Woody stood hunched over with a sleeping Braylon on his back.
"Now you know he too big to be carried any type of way." She chuckled. Woody light heartedly rolled his eyes and walked into the house.
"To you, witcho ' extra short ass. " he teased, making his way to his son's bedroom. Y/n laughed, knowing he was right. Their  son was only 9 and he already came up to her chest. In a couple of years, he'd surpass her.
Y/n followed Woody and helped him lay their son in his bed then proceeded to undress him from his jacket, jeans and shoes. Woody had purchased an outfit identical to his, for Braylon. They were really into dressing alike.
"So what'd y'all do today? I was expecting him to come flying through here like the little maniac he is." Y/n plopped down on the couch, resting one leg under the other and Woody took a seat right next to her.  Woody smiled and shook his head at her.
"Took him to a strip club. He was LIT!" He joked.
"Woody!" Y/n laughed and punched his arm.
"He was throwin' all his allowance. Makin' it rain, Y/n/n. I was so proud." He pretended to wipe a tear away.
"Shut up!" She laughed again pushing him away from her.

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