Keeping Up With The McClains: Far Away

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Wooodyyy! Lookin like a whole daddy...again! 🙌🏾😫❤️

So here's  a thing I wanna try out.  Little updates on our favorite family: Y/n, Woody, Eniyah, EJ, Eli and the other new additions that are sure to come to their family. I'm really engulfed with this, people. Do you know how often I think "I wonder what they'd be doing right now?" lol I know I'm weird. So I'm going to try this out and try to keep it going.

1:49pm. She should've been napping but she'd felt them kick for the first time ever today and she was a ball of excitement.
Y/n couldn't stop smiling as she stared at the sonogram. She was 4 months pregnant. 17 weeks exactly, with TWINS. She and Woody definitely weren't expecting that but they were happy nonetheless. Of course after woody hyperventilated and Y/n  had a random outburst about God being funny, they accepted they'd have to make room for two new babies.

Their families were over the moon with excitement. They all told them that they needed to stop after this pregnancy, which Y/n agreed but they were happy to have new babies on the way; especially Woody's mom. She loved being a grandma even more than Y/n's mom which was hard to believe. She'd made it a habit of coming out to LA every 3 months to see her babies (not including Woody or Y/n).  She always managed to stop at Y/n's mom's house and drag her along, leaving them with an over packed and loud house for a week at a time. They didn't mind though. They loved having so much love and support. They'd need it with twin newborns AND three other children. Both Woody and Y/n's moms had already secured their rooms and days they'd be staying with them when the babies were born. Thank God for grandparents.

"Mommy, Uncle Keith is cheating on the game!" EJ came bursting into her bedroom, belly flopping onto the bed. Eniya strolled in behind him with a smug grin, most likely enjoying her little brother's loss.

"Ain't nobody cheatin', lil' buster! Quit runnin' to yo mama and get this L!" Keith yelled from the living room.

Y/n laughed and shook her head at his childish teasing. No wonder he was her kids' favorite uncle. He was a big kid himself.

Woody was away filming for a few weeks and the other guys, as well as Y/n's brother took turns coming by to check on her in her 'delicate state'. Y/n appreciated it but it seemed like every time one of them left, she had to go restock her cabinets with food they devoured.

They did keep the kids occupied when she had to get things done though. She had a lot of prepping to do. Once Woody got back, she had to prepare for a press tour for her newest book and meet with some executives about turning her work into a film or possible tv show, on top of getting things together for babies. Before anyone knew it, 4 1/2 months would fly by and they'd be back in the chaos of sleepless nights and early mornings that blended together into one long day. She wanted to have things in order before that day came.
Eniya rested her head on Y/n's growing baby bump, wrapping her arms around her, quietly watching whatever was on the television.

EJ snuggled up to his mom, pouting as he looked at the sonogram in her hand.
"I'm not playin' with Uncle Keith no more. He talks trash, mommy."
"I know. He full of trash, baby." Y/n soothed, running her fingers through his growing kinks. She'd be glad when Woody got back tomorrow. Hopefully he'd take him to get a line-up.

"Mommy, are the babies boys or girls? And where are they sleeping when they get here? How do they get here? How do they come out of your tummy?" EJ's mouth moved a mile a minute making Y/n chuckle. He was so inquisitive and had she not been so tired she would've answered every question.

"They're girls and they'll have their own room, baby. I gotta um...think on those other questions okay?" She kindly dismissed the other questions, kissing his forehead. She patted Eniya's shoulder letting her know she needed to get up from the bed.
"Okay. I'll ask you later about the other stuff." He smiled and nodded, showing an almost toothless grin.

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