Chapter 7

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Shiloh -

We did not stay too much longer. I've been hiding out on Grans estate for the past week since we arrived back. I've spent most of those days trying to figure out my life and how to move forward. It's been more than a month since I have laid eyes on Orion and it took that long to finally be able to even think about him without losing it hysterically. Oh, don't get me wrong, I cry randomly as a thought hits me of him and I can't be out in public right now.

On the last day before we came back home, I finally told Gran what happened and let me tell you, it was better that we were on the other side of the world from him. I cried my shame, pain and frustration at the whole situation. Through it all she was right there by my side being my rock telling me that somehow, it would eventually work itself out.

After I finally let it all out she asked the one question I have been trying to answer all this time. "Will you be filing for divorce?" I let her know that for now, I just could not think on it. The thought of separating myself permanently from my soul mate was heart wrenching and for now, I just wanted to concentrate on being able to make it day by day without falling apart with just one thought of him.

I spent the last couple of days getting a new cellphone since I destroyed mine and then shut it off much to my Grans chagrin. After our talk, she understood my actions. I love her so much for being patient and loving and keeping her true feelings on this matter to herself. Somehow she must know that isn't what I need right now.

Gran does want me to meet with our family lawyers to assess my financial worth as a married man. Before we were married, Gran insisted on both Orion and I filling out prenuptial agreements since we are both worth quite a bit of money. Honestly I think she just did not want his hands in any of our family money. You see, he is pretty close to being a billionaire but what my family is worth is right up there with some of the richest people in the world. Gran, as always, was looking out for my best interest.

I let her know I would think on it since she made it so I would never or want for anything financially. Having the kind of independent wealth that I do makes everything just easier and for now, all I want to do is try to forge ahead and formulate a plan on how to deal with Orion.

I know it's silly. I am a grown man but I am a weak man as well and I know that if I deal with him before I am ready I will cave in. I miss him so much and I don't want to feel this way at all. Anyway, that won't happen now that Gran knows so at least I have her there to back me up.

We are sitting outside on the patio overlooking the spread of five hundred acres of beautiful topiary scenery. It is one hell of a breathtaking scene. There is even a maze out there and in the center is a beautiful gazebo that Gran had made by the same craftsman that created the masterpiece that is her swing in her hideaway beach resort home.

We are taking tea out here just enjoying the fragrant breeze when Gran's cellphone begins to ring. She picks it up and looks a bit confused. "Hello?" "Yes, he is here. May I ask what this pertains to?" "Okay give me a moment."

I give her a questioning look. "Shiloh, City General Hospital that is housed in the same area as your condo is on the phone. They are requesting to speak with you dear." "I take it they didn't provide you with a reason for their phone call?" "No dear, just that it was urgent and that they could only speak with you directly." I nod my head in acceptance.

I reach over for the phone. My curiosity is now peaked. "Hi, this is Shiloh Degray. How can I assist you?" "Mr. Degray, my name is Dr. Jonathon Yuri and I am the attending physician for the critical and intensive care unit at City General Hospital. We have you listed as the emergency contact for Orion Degray is this correct?" At the mention of his name every hair on my body stands to attention. Every nerve inside of me vibrates with the most intense sense of fear. Something is very, very wrong if this doctor is talking to me.

I go ahead and answer, "Yes, I am the emergency contact for Orion. Is something wrong? Something's wrong isn't it." I can feel myself losing my grip on my emotions. Out of nowhere I just yell, "What is wrong with my husband?" "I am very sorry to inform you that your husband has been in a very serious car accident."

In that moment, the world ceased to exist. Everything stopped and I could hardly breathe. Gran must have noticed my distress because she tried to take the phone from me but I pulled away very abruptly and in a barely there whisper say, "Wha-what ha-hap happened?" "Mr. Degray, I would be more than happy to answer all of your questions and go into the details of what occurred but it would be best if you could come down here so we can discuss everything in more detail and all that we are currently trying to do to keep your husband alive."

In my mind all I keep echoing is, alive, trying to keep him alive. Oh my God what the hell has happened? At this point, Gran is all but holding me up because somewhere in my meltdown I must have come to my knees. I have to know what is happening to him and the only way to find out is to get my shit together and get over to this hospital as soon as possible. Gathering myself as best I can, I get back up.

"Okay, I will be there as soon as possible." I disconnected the call and just stood there completely frozen. I feel my Gran's hand trying to soothe me by rubbing my back gently but it does me no good. I look over at her and without a single word between us she knows something has happened to Orion. She doesn't probe, she doesn't question, she doesn't pry. She just stays by my side willing me any strength she can.

She pushes me forward a little and says, "Let us go to him and find out what is going on. Stay focused okay dear because until we know what has happened, your imagination is probably making things much worse than they could be." With a speed I didn't know I possessed we high tailed it out of the house and started the trip to the one person who broke me yet somehow still completes me.

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