Chapter 34

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Shiloh –

The past week has been crazy busy for the both of us. Coming and going from Gran's estate to the condo has been our sole focus as we get our old home ready to sell on the market. Ori and I went through everything with a fine toothed comb and we discovered something very interesting.

A lot of his personal belongings he chose not to keep due to the fact that any sentimental value they had he just has no memory of them and feels no attachment what so ever. He did choose to keep every single photo he owned of me but the ones of us together, he wanted in storage as he wants to replace those pictures with new memories of all our adventures together.

I was all for it and supported him in his decision one hundred percent. We have already started making new and better memories but what I love the most are the hand drawn portraits of me.  His sketches are so life like and Ori truly has a talent no one was ever aware of.  It is crazy to think that he was so business like, analytical and sometimes a bit formal yet now, he is the complete opposite of his former self.

He is passionate all of the time. There is no restraint he puts on his emotions.  He is so laid back and artsy and the way he views the world now is through an artist's eye which is a very new perspective for both of us. He is so considerate and I have never really felt as cherished as he currently makes me feel.  Each look he gives me clearly shows my worth to him and I bask in it.

I look up as my very thought walks into the living room with a confused look on his face. Feeling a bit apprehensive I ask, "What's wrong babe?" "I am not sure. There was this guy just hanging out not too far from the entrance. He looked at me with real intensity in his eyes, frowned deeply and then just turned around and left abruptly without saying a single word to me."

"Could he have been one of your friends like Brian or the others?" Seemingly out of sorts he says, "I do not know but I will tell you this. I got a bad feeling in my gut that just churned there and left a sour feeling in my stomach." Reciprocating his confused look I responded, "Well maybe he will be back and then we can find out who he is."

"I do not know baby. I do not think I want to see him again.", he says with a determined glint in his eye.  "Okay, then you do not have to and that is the end of that." I said as I walked over to my handsome husband and wrapped my arms around his neck and just buried my head under his chin in an attempt to calm him down.  I did not want him unnecessarily agitated especially in this place.  

"Thank you." "For what babe?" He squeezes me in his big strong arms and says, "For always somehow finding a way to calm my soul.  Having you in arms brings me a peace that I do not think anyone but you could give me." "That is my job love." "And a great job you do my angel. You know what I found even stranger with this mysterious interaction of the unknown guy?"

"What is that babe?" "This guy, as crazy as it sounds, looked a lot like you!" Hum, interesting I think to myself.


I am sitting in the swing on the back patio of the estate and Ori has his head laying in my lap while the very long legs on his large frame hang over the side in midair just swinging haphazardly.  It is quite a comical sight but trust me when I say that we are very, very comfortable. I am running the palm of my hand all over his head since his hair is almost like a buzz cut and I like the sensation from his fuzzy hair against my skin.

It is coming in quite nicely but for now, it is best if he keeps it short while he continues to see the specialists involved in his continuing care and they insists on administering tests to check on his head. My other arm is lying on the top of the bench seat of the swing and Ori has captured my hand in his as we aimlessly continue swinging with not a single care or thought in the world.  It is a very nice moment for me just having him here with me not really needing to do anything but be in each other's presence.

Now that we have completed the clean-up of the condo, once we put it officially on the market, we will then be concentrating on finding the perfect home to suit both of our desires. We have talked at length in regards to this subject and discovering that with this new personality of his, his desires, hopes and dreams of what our future should look like have dramatically changed as well.  I find myself so at ease with the things that Ori wants out of our new home and unable to contain my excitement at the prospect of a future with him.

It is so different from his old persona and I cannot wait to see what our new home will look like when we do finally choose it.  It will take time as I want everything to be as perfect as it can be for the us both.  Along with the new home, Ori has dropped hints about children in the near future. That is a complete shock to my system as in the past, he never wanted children.

I never even thought of it as a possibility because of his previous sentiments towards that idea but now, I am almost too scared to hope. I would love to have a child to raise with him, especially this new version of him as I feel he would be just amazing. Getting to know him these past few months convinces me that he would be an excellent father and a vision of him with our child in his arms almost brings me to tears.

However, that is something for much later on down the road we travel called, our life.

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